4: I Will Never Belong To You

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"What's wrong?" Alaric growls like an animal as he speeds to my side, almost too fast for a human.

"You're what's wrong! Get away from me!" I cry, batting his large hands away from me as they try to caress my face.

"Jessamine, stop pushing me away!" He snaps with a moody frown as I hit out at him and edge further away.

"N-no please, please just let me go!" I cry through my tears and blindly strike out at him as I choke out sobs, the duvet becoming tangled between us.

"Enough!" He finally barks, and within the space of half a second, I am flat on my back and he is looming over me, pinning my arms above my head.

I lay frozen in shock wondering how on earth he moved that fast, as we get lost in each other's eyes. This position makes me feel so vulnerable, yet I am calm. This close to him I can see the masculine stubble, which is just starting to grow back and his long lashes which frame his dominantly green orbs are totally unfair. His eyes trail over my body adoringly, and I feel like a Goddess under his gaze, until suddenly I hear the door shut, knocking me out of my stupidity and alerting me that Lou has officially vacated the room.

"Get off of me." I plead, and with one last longing look, Alaric complies slowly, making sure to sweep his hand down my left cheek as he moves, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

"Jessamine, I won't hurt you. Trust me. You don't need to be scared." He says quietly whilst scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably.

Carefully I move to sit up properly, and the narrowing of his eyes lets me know that he sees me shuffling further away from him despite his words. For some reason he dulls my senses and I cannot think properly when I am close to him. I need air that isn't he to flush him out of my system.

"Ok, but still, if you cared about me even a little bit, you would let me go. You can't just kidnap me for no reason and expect me to trust you." I announce and he sighs gruffly, standing so that he is lording over me.

"I can't let you go Jessamine when I have been searching for you all my life." He grits out frustratedly, making me confused. Didn't we only just meet a day ago? "For twenty-six years we have been apart, and now that I've found you, you expect me just to let you go? No, no Jessamine I won't do it. I can't do it." He growls, becoming more and more agitated like a tormented animal before once again diving down to me on the bed and unexpectedly burying his face into the crook of my neck.

An oof of surprise leaves my lips as I tense, overwhelmed by the emotions of having Alaric so close to me. My skin is tingling, my fingers itching to touch him and bring him closer as he plasters sweet kisses of fire against my neck. His deep auburn hair tickles my cheek and the gentle rise and fall of his chest is vastly juxtaposing my own rapid breathing, as I become high on his earthy scent. A blissful feeling encompasses me as his sweet kisses relax me and I melt into his touch. I can't help the butterflies swirling in my stomach as his arm snakes around my waist, making me feel so small like a child against his manly largeness, but also empowered that little me can bring this powerful man to his knees.

With one last sigh, Alaric pulls back from my neck, leaving me frazzled and woozy.

"Jessamine you are mine." Alaric announces gruffly only a couple of centimetres from my lips, leaning over me possessively. "You will be living with me from now on and I will take care of everything for you." He declares, knocking me out of my haze.

"Wait, what? I can't live with you! I barely know you!" I exclaim, causing Alaric to growl threateningly.

What the hell? Does he have a cold or something?

"You can live with me and you will. It is in your best interests to stop fighting and just accept the situation." He grits out, expecting me just to roll over and let him own me.

"No!" I shout stubbornly. "I am my own person, you can't own me! I will not help you or do anything that you want."

"Jessamine, what did I just say? Submit to me!" He barks, making me even angrier.

"Never!" I retort whilst crossing my arms over my chest and matching his death glare. "I will never belong to you!"

With my declaration, he flinches away from me with a roar as if I scorched him, and punches his fist through the wall inches from my head, making me jump in fear. The loud resounding crack sends ice fear through me and I back away from him slowly. Sh*t... I really pissed him off. I start to wonder whether he will lay his fists on me next, causing cold terror to race through me, as judging from the cracked plaster and dented wall I would not survive such an attack. How strong is this guy? But instead of hurting me he turns and snarls like an animal, and I swear I see his eyes flash gold for a moment before he turns and hurtles from the room, leaving me in a puddle of nerves, confusion, anxiety and a little excitement.

Let me know if you're enjoying this story so far guys!! xoxo


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