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Four Years Later....

You could say that everything turned out perfectly. Alaric was indeed fine, just a scar was left behind which I find rather ruggedly hot, and for a week after the battle in order to have sex I had to ride strictly on top. Not that he complained though. I think he quite liked my sexy nurse outfits as I cared for him.

We have had no issues with bloodthirsty rogues or backstabbing ex best friends these last few years, so I'd say things have gone pretty well. I adjusted to my role as Luna after a couple of months, as obviously things were a little tough in the beginning as I didn't know that much about werewolves as I am not one myself. With the help of Lou, Tori, Babette, Marge, many other pack members and of course Alaric, I learnt to deal with what is expected of me and become a better Luna.

I did decide that although I have accepted that I need a man in my life (my personal opinion), I didn't want to just forget everything I had worked for before being kidnapped. Although I was fired from my internship for being negligent (obviously not showing up for work), I found a course I could work on during evenings in order to get my degree and put all my hard work to good use. I graduated and opened up a boutique called 'Jessamimi's' (a little tribute to Zerenity) which I run on the side of being a Luna, and many of the pack members now work for me with Jamie managing. My main job of course is being a mother and running the pack alongside my mate.

Once everything settled down again we got married for my human family's benefit, which was an extravagant affair at the Ritz Paris, since I have always wanted to get married in the city of love. My mother came and we make sure to meet up a couple of times a year since she got off my back as I am now married and have given her grandchildren. Carla also came to my wedding, although she wasn't a bridesmaid and we rarely keep in contact now. We made up and apologised to each other, but our bond can never be as close as it was because she does not know about the existence of werewolves. It saddens me from time to time as I remember how much we depended on each other once, but we have both moved on with our lives and have new friends to focus on.

Thank goddess she never told anyone of what happened here!

About three and a half years ago tragedy struck when Zerenity's dad died in a fire he accidentally started whilst drunk. Zerenity was already more or less living with Alaric and me at this point, and I never stop thanking the moon goddess the she was sleeping with us that night. If she had been in that house... goddess, I can't even think about it. With the passing of her father, it meant that I could officially adopt Zerenity as my own. I already loved her and knew that there wouldn't be a better home out there for her. It took a little while for Alaric to adjust to having Zerenity in our house as our daughter, as he is an alpha and she is another wolf's pup. However after a few months they begun to bond, and I cannot tell you how happy I was to find Alaric reading Zerenity to sleep one night, and hearing her call him 'daddy' for the first time. He now loves her like his own daughter just as I do, and we are very proud of our little girl who is now nine years old!

On Zerenity's seventh birthday I found out I was pregnant. I have never seen Alaric so happy when he found out I was carrying his baby. Zerenity was so excited to be a big sister, and now does an excellent job of it to a cute little boy named Lukariah, named after his grandfather. With huge chubby cheeks, auburn hair that refuses to lay flat and bright blue eyes he is undeniably scrummy, and I just want to squish him all the time. It is crazy to think that Alaric and I made that and he is all ours.

When Luke turned fourteen months, I found out that I was pregnant again, and am now ready to burst. We haven't found out the sex, but we all want another little girl. There is only three weeks until my due date and I just can't wait to meet him or her! I look like a whale but Alaric insists I am still sexy - I think he just likes my increased libido. I can hardly look at him without jumping him these days.

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