22: This Isn't What It Looks Like, I Swear!

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Oh my life... I cannot believe this... I am about to tell a werewolf that I want to be with him forever, and let him do all that wolfy sh*t to me. I still don't really know what it means to be 'marked and mated', but I am hoping it involves sex. It gives me anxiety to think about how we have only known each other for just over three weeks, yet I already want to spend forever with him. But when I am with Alaric I just feel complete, and the hole in my heart disappears. Also, I have had to rethink everything I have ever known with the existence of werewolves. He is my soul mate and I am in love with him, and at the end of the day, we are destined to be together.

I wonder where Alaric's meeting is – in his office or the pack house, when a door opens and hushed voices whispering worriedly reaches my ears. I dive under the kitchen table, wondering whether they are 'rogues', but when various pack members I recognise walk by I relax. A couple of them look my way, and my cheeks stain red as I remember they can smell me meaning they know I am in the kitchen. I realise that they were probably in the meeting Alaric had, making joy soar in my heart, as I know he will come out and find me soon. I stay waiting at the kitchen table, picking at my nails and filing a mental note to urgently get them done. I sit waiting patiently for ten whole minutes; feeling irked as Alaric never comes. Maybe there are still some people in the meeting with him? After five minutes more, I find I really do not care any more and decide I will hunt him down myself. I wonder what is taking him so long to come and cuddle me.

In a slight mood, I stomp to his office, quietening down when I see that the door is slightly ajar letting a flood of yellow light seep into the dark corridor. The weather is gloomy outside today. I can hear hushed voices, and as I edge closer curiosity and fury settle deep inside me as I realise it is Alaric and Mila... alone together. Angrily I burst into the room, the door straining against its hinges with a groan.

My jaw drops as I take in a shocked Alaric sat at his desk and Mila stood before him, with a black fur coat pooled around her feet and dressed provocatively in only a skimpy lingerie set. For a moment, all of us are silent as Mila snaps her head around to look at me with a victorious smirk. Intense anger and sadness rushes through me as I wonder how the fvck Alaric got himself into this situation. Is he cheating on me? Does he want Mila now? Annoyingly she has a perfect body – although her boobs are not as big as mine – and a beautiful face, so I am sure she could have any man she wants. Well, any man but MY man.

"Jess! This isn't what it looks like, I swear! She is nothing to me! I was ambushed!" Alaric rushes out in a panic, pushing Mila out of the way so that she stumbles in the ridiculously high stripper heels she has on.

"Don't touch me Alaric!" I spit, ignoring his attempts to pull me into his arms before turning my anger to Mila, the smug bitch.

"How dare you try to seduce my mate!" I growl before launching forward, thinking how pretty her blood would look plastered all over the currently boring black walls.

But before I even get a satisfying slap in Mila swipes at me, the strength in her hit to my arm sending me to a dizzying crash against the bookcase. I land in a cluster of paper, the wind knocked out of me. Before I can even take my next breath, Alaric roars thunderously and as I rub my bleary eyes, I watch him grab her by the neck and slam her body into the wall causing a sizeable crack and dent. A picture of a tranquil lake scene next to her falls and smashes from the force. Alaric holds Mila tightly in a punishing hold, squeezing so hard she goes purple and I wonder if her eyes are going to pop out.

"How dare you hurt my mate?" Alaric barks menacingly as Mila kicks and scratches at him, but he does not flinch.

Tears roll from her eyes and she rasps for breath as I slowly stand up, massaging my now aching shoulder, knowing Alaric's wolf side has taken over. I contemplate on what to do... on one hand there is nothing more I would like then to see Mila dead, unable even to think of my mate again, but on the other do I really want to witness a murder? My heart throbs as I stumble closer, knowing that Alaric doesn't really want her – she was in the precarious position, not him.

Kidnapped by Boys Who Turn into WolvesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin