16: If Being a Luna is What I Decide To Do

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After gliding through a posh entranceway and stumbling over what must be a hundred pairs of shoes littered on the fluffy carpet, the children drag me into a big dining hall, ignoring my hesitations. Sweet potato fries... every eye (which is a lot) turns to me, and the conversation dries up quicker then an old lady's uterus. My cheeks burn as I stand shell-shocked in a room full of freaking werewolves. The children break the silence as they hurry to their parents, chattering excitedly about the fun time they have had playing with their Luna. Around one hundred people are still staring at Zerenity and me curiously, and murmuring quietly – probably about my unexpected appearance. I grow hot at the unwanted attention and embarrassment of looking like a hobo in front of Alaric's pack on our first meeting. 'First impressions last' as my mother always says.

Jesus, there are people everywhere- seated around round chestnut tables, hovering in the lunch queue and a few more have popped their heads around the door behind me. Some of the gazes are warm and excited, others sceptical and additionally distrustful. The one thing that joins them all is their supermodel looks. How come all werewolves are so ethereal? They definitely have the best genes. I ponder over running out, wanting to escape this embarrassing situation as quick as possible when a kind woman with deep smile lines peppered around her face makes her way over to me.

"Oh hello luvvy, it's wonderful to finally meet you... I'm Marge, would you and Zerenity like to come and sit with us over here?" She asks kindly with a beaming smile.

"Erm... sure." I reply hesitantly, not wanting to offend her.

"So you're the famous Jessamine... my you are beautiful!" Marge exclaims as she links my arm with hers and pulls me over to a table just centre-left in the room.

Little Zerenity scampers along behind me with her head cast down. Most people have started talking again, although I can feel the numerous eyes glued to my back and the noise is dulled down to hushed whispers. Usually I love attention, but not when I am uncertain whether people like me or not! These are Alaric's people, which I guess in a sense makes them my people too. But what if they don't like me, and I am not a good Luna-werewolf-Queen or whatever?

"Come sit here Jessie darling, we'll pull up a chair for Zerenity too." Marge fusses around as she practically pushes me into the varnished wicker chair with a neon pink cushion on it.

Four other women and a man are sat around the table, each smiling warmly at me. Zerenity still clings onto me, leaning over the armrest and hugging my arm tightly.

"Hi Luna... I am Babette! OMG I am so excited to meet you! You're like, really pretty." A bubbly brunette giggles from across me.

"Yes and I am Kellie! This is my mate Charlie and our daughter Fae, we are so happy you decided to join us today!" Kellie exclaims joyfully, and I realise that she is actually breastfeeding her little girl.

"I'm Delaney, great to meet you love." An elegant redhead smiles at me before taking a sip of her peppermint tea.

"And I am Millie! I'm Marge's daughter." A sweet teen stuffing her face with a cupcake introduces herself.

"Yeah, it took me five sons to finally have my little girl." Marge reveals affectionately.

She has six kids? Damn she looks amazing!

"Wow, it's lovely to meet you all too." I reply genuinely.

Well, they seem nice at least.

"Jessamimi... can I sit on your lap?" My little angel whispers with a cute pink blush.

"Of course baby." I smile warmly causing her to grin happily and scramble onto my lap whilst the others look on astonished.

"I don't know how you did that. You must be a child whisper!" Babette sighs in awe and the other's murmur in agreement.

"What do you mean?" I ask as Marge pours me a glass of water.

"I'm talking about the little one." She whispers whilst gesturing to Zerenity. "How you got her to talk and play with the others is just amazing. She has hardly said a word since her... well you know... 'mam' passed away, and she stays alone in a tree all day until her daddy comes and picks her up." Babette reveals as her voice contorts into a strange accent, probably so that Zerenity doesn't realise she is the subject of the conversation, but I feel bad talking about her whilst she sits here unknowingly.

"Hey Zerenity, do you want to get some food? I see all the little girls are queueing up, and maybe you can go with them?" I suggest, and she looks unsure until the little girls turn and gesture for her to come with them, obviously hearing my words somehow. "I'll wait here for you, ok?" I tell her and she nods and makes her way over unsurely to the girls who welcome her into their group.

"That is so lovely to see." Kellie sighs as her little girl finishes feeding leaving her bare boob hanging out. I quickly avert my eyes, but no one else bats an eyelid. Alrighty then. Nudity must not be a big thing for werewolves. I hope no one has seen Alaric naked...

"When we heard you and Lou meeting the children we were just so excited to finally get a glimpse of our Luna. No one could believe their ears when we heard you encouraging Zerenity to play!" Delaney chuckled.

"What do you mean heard?" I ask feeling confused, as there is a big distance from the house to the park.

"Oh yes, I forgot... you are a human. Well as werewolves I am sure you know we have certain abilities greater then humans... such as super strength, speed and hearing." Delaney explains, and for some reason I do not feel scared – in fact, I think it is pretty awesome.

"Exactly, which is why no one strictly watches the older children... we can hear if something is wrong." Marge adds in.

"It was so sweet hearing you play with the children Lune Jessamine... you are so motherly... you'll be a perfect Luna – the mother to our pack." Babette sighs fondly filling me up with pride.

"Oh... Thank you so much. I will try... If being a Luna is what I decide to do anyway." I reply with a hot blush.

My words cause the others around the polished wooden table to frown.

"What do you mean 'if'?" Martha gasps, looking alarmed, but before I can answer her that I shouldn't even be thinking of staying willingly, a door slams somewhere in the house and thunderous footsteps rage in.

I turn to see what is going on when Alaric races into the room with Bear close behind him, tension rippling through his body, and an anxious look pulling his eyebrows down. When our eyes meet the tension releases and he looks relieved. I smile unsurely at him, wondering where we stand considering our last odd encounter, before he strides purposefully over towards me. My heart pounds in my chest and bursts of anticipation shoot through me as I wonder if he is going to tell me off or kiss me again.

He does neither.

Instead, under the watchful eye of everyone in the room he pulls my chair out and scoops me up into his arms so that I have to wrap my legs around him. His head buries itself in my neck, making me twitch with pleasure and squirm from the slight itch of the scuff of his five o clock shadow. I am vaguely aware of the various 'awe's' around the room, however I can hardly concentrate because of the over-powering affect Alaric has on me.

"I thought you'd left me again." He mumbles into my neck making me feel bad. "I was so scared." He sighs; holding me tighter if that is possible like he never wants to let me go.

I simply relax into his addictive touch and allow him to carry me out the room, waving shyly to all the excited werewolves as he does.

The next chapter brings drama... please vote and comment! xoxo


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