25: Rid The Earth Of The Scum We Are Up Against

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Please note that the majority of this chapter is also smut... scroll down to the end after *** if you don't want to read xoxo

My eyes flutter open as a pleasurable sensation trails down my neck. I mewl as my lips curl into a smile, feeling my mate's lips caress my skin.

"Good morning my Luna..." Alaric whispers in his deep, sexy morning voice.

"Morning my Alpha..." I sigh sleepily as his hands caress my naked back, awakening goose bumps with his touch.

His mouth replaces his hands and instantly I am wide-awake and yearning for him.

"I want you so much... You're so perfect, but I want to make you breakfast as it is our first morning together, and you're going to need the energy for what I have in store for you..." Alaric reveals as I roll over onto my back lazily, giving him an eyeful of my naked breasts.

"Oh Alaric I am hungry, but not necessarily for food..." I purr causing his pantie-soaking upper body to tense.

"Soon, soon..." Alaric chants under his breath as he continues to stare at my perky tits as if they have hypnotised him. "I want to do something nice for you first Jessamine..." Alaric says a little breathlessly, still struggling to make eye contact as I mercilessly tease him.

"Ok Alaric... I'll be waiting." I grin naughtily as with a groan he jogs from the room in only a pair of low riding joggers.

Now that we are mated our connection has grown tenfold, and I crave his presence more than the air I breathe. I am struggling not to jump him right this second, my lust for him at an unreal level. The curtains are allowing a small tunnel of fresh light into the room, dimly highlighting the wicker chair, wooden closet and naturalistic paintings on the wall. There is also a bathroom to the left of the large four-poster bed, and I excitedly scramble out of it and make my way in to examine my mark. I am a little sore between my legs as I was stretched to accommodate Alaric's impressive size last night, but apart from that, I am feeling as happy and free as a summer bird. Immense pride swirls within me as Alaric's mark stands out like drops of blood in snow against my pale complexion. I want the world to see it and know that I am his and he is mine. To the untrained eye it looks like I have undergone a horrific animal attack and nearly lost my shoulder, but as I run my fingertips over the bumps in my still a-little-tender skin, I know I have never seen anything with so much meaning and beauty in my life.

As I admire myself in the large Hollywood mirror, I gasp as I realise I look a little different to yesterday... My skin is glowing, my hair looks more lustrous, and I feel better in myself. I am sure this has to do with me being mated with Alaric, and I smile at myself, for the first time truly happy just to be me. Alaric has made me feel like a goddess under his touch and complimentary words. Unfortunately I do smell a bit after all the sweating and action I had last night, so after brushing my teeth (I HATE morning breath), I hop into the large walk in shower with green tiles.

It takes me a moment of fiddling to work out how to turn the damn thing on, but when I do it is like being under a warm waterfall. I sigh as the tension falls away from my muscles, and I let myself soak in the borderline boiling water. There is a brand new shampoo and conditioner set in the shower, so I start soaping my hair up.

I instantly know the moment Alaric steps into the room. My eyes shoot open and my body tingles in anticipation for his touch. I sigh as his naked body presses against mine, and his large hands go to my head, massaging me into bliss.

"I know I said I would wait, but the thought of you wet and alone up here... oh I couldn't take it." Alaric growls out, his hard length jutting into my behind proof of his lust.

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