14: There Is No Way I Could Want Anyone Else Now

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"Oh, hello sweetie, are you ok?" I ask gently, instantly feeling sober and worried about the little girl.

"O-oh!" She cries, jumping and scrambling as far away from me as possible.

"Its ok don't worry sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you." I try to calm her as I slowly sink to my knees.

"W-who are you?" She asks as tears drip down her face and her little chin wobbles.

"My name is Jessamine, can you tell me yours?" I ask softly.

"Z-Zerenity." She sniffles as she hugs her knees.

"What a beautiful name." I compliment her, and she gives me a watery smile.

I have always loved children and wanted a big family as all my life it has just been my mum, grandmother and me. I don't know what has happened to this sweet little girl, but I am definitely not going to leave her and make sure that whoever neglected her gets an ass whooping.

"My m-mummy chose it." She snuffles and rubs at her red eyes.

"Oh really, how lovely. Do you mind telling me where she is lovely?" I ask kindly.

"She's with the angels." Zerenity whimpers and my heart goes out to her.

"Oh darling I'm so sorry... who looks after you now?"

"My daddy... but he is really sad and is dwinking a lot and forgets about me." Zerenity reveals with pain in her eyes.

"Oh darling I am so sorry to hear that. Why don't you come with me? I promise I'll look after you, and it is way past your bedtime sweetie. You can sleep in my room tonight, ok?" I suggest, and she looks torn, her bright, watery green eyes open in worry.

"But daddy is at the party and told me to stay here... he will be mad if I leave!"

How anyone could treat a child this way I do not know. I understand he must be grieving, but at the end of the day children come first. They need love and warmth in their lives so that they don't grow up cold and unable to love, or accept love themselves.

"I will deal with your daddy, I promise he won't hurt you or get angry. Now wouldn't you rather be in bed then in this draughty room? My bed is massive and has a big fluffy blanket which will keep you warm..." I tempt her.

"O-Ok..." Zerenity murmurs through a big yawn.

She is actually the cutest little thing I have ever met, with gorgeous tanned skin and wild, curly brown hair pulled into a loose ponytail at the base of her neck. She has the sweetest little button nose and the biggest emerald eyes ever, and she is so tiny – practically a baby. She has odd socks on and her shoes are on the wrong feet, meaning she stumbles as she starts to stand. Instantly a maternal instinct overcomes me, and I know I will do anything to protect this innocent child. She is adorable personified. Shyly she creeps closer to me and wipes her runny nose on the back of her t-shirt sleeve. Yawns spill out of her mouth like water from a tap, and the dark circles under her eyes make me wonder when the last time she had a good nights sleep was.

"Would you like me to carry you up baby?" I ask as she stops in front of me, smiling bashfully and wringing her hands nervously behind her back.

"Erm... y-yes please." She accepts shyly making me smile.

Gently I reach forward and lift her up onto my hip, teetering a little in my heels. She automatically curls her arms around my neck and cuddles in closer, making my heart melt.

"You're a nice lady Jessamimi. And you are comfy like a mummy." Zerenity sighs tiredly, making me giggle at her mispronunciation of my name.

As soon as I open the door, the raucous party music vibrates through our ears, the party sounding even wilder now that people are probably a lot drunker. Zerenity whimpers so I hold her closer and make my way to the back staircase (near Alaric's office), so that we don't have to push through the crowds and scare her even more. Her hot breath tickles my neck, but as soon as we go upstairs (after the guard lets me through) and the noise quietens to a dull thud and unidentifiable murmurings she relaxes and almost instantaneously falls asleep. What a poor little soul. How could anyone bring a little child to a place like this, stealing them from their (hopefully) warm bed and dumping them in a room all alone? It is simply cruel.

When we reach my room, I slip in quietly, although Zerenity is now awake shuffling around in my arms because the music is louder at this end of the house. I settle her into my bed and brush her beautiful hair out of her face, making sure she is comfortable. I am sure she is asleep when she reaches out and grabs my hand.

"Jessamimi? Will you sing me a song pwease? Nobody does that anymore." Zerenity asks sadly.

"Of course baby, although I'm not very good." I chuckle embarrassedly before starting to sing 'rock-a-bye-baby.'

Zerenity is asleep before the end of the song much to my relief, as the noise downstairs is pretty bad. Her chest rises softly and she looks like a little angel as she sleeps. She is honestly so beautiful. I debate what I should do next, and if it is ok to leave her alone to look for Carla and Jamie or if I should watch over her, when I hear a commotion causing Zerenity to fidget as the music quietens below. Worried that Carla and Jamie are in trouble or about to discover the existence of werewolves, I race out of the room thinking Zerenity should be ok considering nobody else is allowed up here. I kick off my shoes as they halt my speed and am half way to the stairs when Alaric's angry form appears in front of me. I stumble to a halt as his eyes zero in on me, widening in disbelief and lust and flashing gold. Alaric then races forwards at an inhuman pace, grabbing my arms and pushing me into the glittery cream wall behind me. It hurts my back slightly as he thrusts me into the wall, and the golden frame of a Van Gogh painting is digging into my upper back.

"Hey watch it!" I exclaim, slightly scared yet turned on by his behaviour.

My breathing quickens as my heartbeat pounds, causing my exposed cleavage to rise and fall teasingly. Alaric can hardly keep his eyes off me.

"You've been walking around... in this?" Alaric growls, his voice deeper then before.

As his eyes sweep my outfit yet again, his grip becomes tighter and his eyes become wild with lust. Well, at least he likes it.

"Erm... yes. Where have you been?" I ask, trying to deflect the conversation as I can sense a storm is raging inside of him.

"At a meeting and I come back to find out MY mate has been partying with other men looking like... like this! You're mine!" Alaric growls as his lips curl up into a snarl.

"I get that, but you weren't..." I try to justify myself but he will not listen.

"You belong to me! How dare you go out looking like a common whore? No one but me can see you this exposed!" He yells and his eyes are pitch black. "I'm going to tear any man's eyes who even looked at you out!" His grip is punishing as he pants heavily, looming over me with the first signs of him about to shift wobbling on the surface.

"That's not fair! For your information, I didn't let anyone touch me! I wore this for you but you weren't even there!" I shout back, having had enough of his macho attitude.

Alaric growls before smashing his lips against mine, and there isn't a bone in my body that wants to fight him. I melt into the kiss with a moan and he pulls me closer, igniting pleasurable electric shocks all over my body. My arms ache a little from his hold but I soon forget about it when I loop my arms around his neck and pull him impossibly closer, standing on my tiptoes to reach him. His mouth attacks mine with all the anger, lust and frustration swirling between us, and I give him back as well as he gives as our tongues trace and explore each other. His lips are warm and taste of mint and I feel like I am walking on air as he claims me as his, his hands running down my curved body before they settle on my pert ass. I press against him with a moan of appreciation. His body is perfect against mine, with his chiselled chest and muscled arms and my soft curves, so we fit like two pieces of a puzzle together. I know this is it, there is no way I could want anyone else now that I know the pleasure and heat Alaric can spark within me.

Suddenly I want to feel skin, so I tug at his shirt, gasping as I brush against the bulge in his jeans. But before I can even decide what part of him I want to taste next, he unexpectedly jumps away from me making me stumble, as I am drunk on him. My head is foggy with lust, but I just about notice him struggling with his wolf who is fighting to break out (his eyes keep flashing gold), before he races away leaving me a horny mess in the corridor.

Ah their first kiss!! Did you like it guys? Let me know your thoughts! We are around half way into the book now! xo


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