26: A Dominating Force To Be Reckoned With

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Alaric POV...

My life has turned a whole 180 this past month or so. I remember as clear as day when I first saw my mate, flustered in the coffee shop. Above that rich, earthy bean scent honey and roses leaked into my senses, making my wolf go on high alert and shocking my dormant feelings back to life. I suddenly had a reason to live, and I had found the other half of my world, who has quickly become my world personified.

Jessamine is perfect in every way, and I know I will love and protect her for the rest of my life. She could ask me to chop my fingers off and I would do it for her. Luckily, she is not a psycho and quite likes my fingers, so I don't think I'll have to worry about her asking that. Her safety and happiness means everything to me, which is why I know I must destroy Killian. Any lingering sentiment I have for him was destroyed the moment he brought my precious mate into this. For threatening her, it will cost him his life.

"Alpha, the teams are in position." Bear says through the pack link besides me.

At first I was unsure about him, wondering how anyone could fill the shoes of my ex best friend, but now we are as close as brothers are, and would not change him at all.

"Ok Bear. Start the disturbances now." I instruct.

We are just over a mile away from the rogue camp, and luckily, the wind is moving to our favour, blowing our scents away from them. We are all in our wolf forms, a dominating farce to be reckoned with. The warriors have been divided into teams, and if everything goes as planned, we will draw away most of their force, leaving the base open and easier to take down.

Killian is going to be my kill.

The North team strikes first, starting a series of contained fires to the north of the camp. Once we receive confirmation that some rogues are snooping around the area, the east team strikes scaring the birds out of the trees and making them screech. By this time, the north team has taken down the six rogues that ventured out to investigate the strong burning smell. They have been instructed not to kill them unless absolutely necessary, just take them down and incarcerate them for questioning. Who knows why they are blindly following Killian's orders? The west team strikes by hitting the trees, creating strange noises destined to disturb the rogues. Once everyone reports that the rogues on their territory are dealt with, with little injuries on our side, the south team – my team, is ready to strike the base.

"Let's finish these fvckers off." I growl aloud, and with a howl, I take off with my trusted warriors behind me.

I have never had anything to live for, and did not used to care whether I lived or died (I knew my pack would be taken care of), but now that I have a mate I will do anything to get back to her. I made my Jessamine a promise, and I will do anything I have to in order to keep it. Snarling ferociously we erupt through the trees, the dirty smell of rogues and panic hitting my senses. Strangely enough, I cannot find a fresh trace of Killian, his scent burnt into my brain and associated with death, but I am sure he is just hiding somewhere in the camp. As we get closer, our pounding paws zipping through the tree line alerts the rogues, and we can hear them tripping over each other to deal with the impending attack. Tents, a smoking fire surrounded by wooden stools and rogues fill my vision as we lunge forward, ready for this sh*t just to be over with. Four of them rush forward to attack us, and I easily take down two as they jump at me by kicking them to the earth with my front paws, which are nearly the size of their heads. My men disarm the others as more jump out of the tents to attack us. The north, west and east teams have created a perimeter around to make sure no cowards escape, and are on standby in case things get messy.

To the rogues credit they fight fearlessly (apart from two cowards) although they don't stand a chance against strong pack wolves, and all twenty of them end up unconscious, dead, or incarcerated. Three of my team were seriously injured in the fighting; Caleb suffered claws to the face running through his eye, Mo was mauled by four at a time and Jaxon was thrown on the fire leaving him scorched, but they shall all be ok with their wolf DNA healing them quickly.

Something is wrong though.

Including the wolves the other teams have taken down, they only equal forty-seven. Killian said that he had over one hundred, so where are they all? More importantly, where is he? We storm into the tents but they are all empty, featuring unmade, filthy beds and food wrappers. They certainly aren't living in any type of luxury.

"What's going on? That was easy... too easy." I growl, the uneasy feeling in my stomach growing.

Storming out of the biggest tent, I stomp with purpose towards the rogues who have been forced to shift back and have their necks bared submissively on their knees.

"You." I bark, grabbing one of the mangy animals by the neck and lifting him clean off the ground. "Where is Killian?" I growl as he grapples at my hand, gasping for breath.

"I... I don't know!" He gasps out, eyes wide in terror.

I tighten my grip around his neck and am pleased to see that his eyes nearly bulge out.

"Hey dude, listen we really don't know..." Another rogue drawls out before being kicked to shut up.

"Well who's going to talk? Once your friend here is dead, we'll go through all of you until I get my answer. Now, where the fvck is Killian?" I demand, and the rogues look at each other nervously whilst kneeling in the dirt of the forest.

The rogue in my hand is spluttering and gasping for breath, the sounds of his pending death mixing with the birdcalls and fluttering winds of the forest. His face is a nasty purple shade, made to look even more ghastly by his black hair. Narrowing my eyes at the rogues, I know that none of them are going to talk, so with a meaningful snap, the rogue's neck is broken and I drop his limp body to the floor. The other rogues gasp in horror.

"So, who's next?" I question.

When only murmurs of protest reaches my ears, I pluck my next victim, a youngish male with dirty brown hair that needed to be cut months ago. I am too far away to mind link with Jess and the rest of the pack, and I am running out of patience to get back to her. As I start to strangle the man, two others jump to their feet in protest, but my men quickly force them to the floor.

"No! Wait, please!" The female begs.

"Don't say a word!" A man with a raw scar running through his face hisses behind her, but is soon silenced by a sharp blow to the head.

"Killian left two days ago with the best warriors... He didn't say where he was going but he told us to be prepared for an attack. He said he was waiting for you to become weak so he could take the most important thing from you." She explains skittishly.

"Yeah a female wolf came and he was really happy, and we don't know what happened but he killed her then left. Please don't hurt my brother, we didn't want any of this - we were perfectly happy living as nomads until Killian showed up and forced us to fight with him." The man beside her adds in.

I drop the gasping wolf to the floor, more anxious then ever to return home. If my assumptions are correct, then Killian has been waiting for us to leave so that he can attack and take Jessamine from me.

"West and east team gather up all the rogues and bring them back for determining whether they should be spared or not. North and south we need to hurry home - I fear Killian may be waiting for us. Let's go!" I roar before jumping into action, praying that I am incorrect, and Jessamine and the innocents of the pack are completely out of harms way.

Two chapters and an epilogue left! xoxo


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