8: Who Knows What Kind of Diseases I Could Catch off Him?

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As soon as we pull up at the mansion with a roar, we skid to a stop and Alaric jumps out, his door slamming shut with a sound of thunder. He then rips open my own door and takes a bruising hold on my elbow, pulling me out before I've even undone my seatbelt properly.

"Ow, you're hurting me!" I cry out, and he instantly lets go but gives me a glare murderous enough to put me in the grave.

"Get inside!" He growls in a no-nonsense tone, and I stomp towards the house.

Just as I open the door, Lou pops out excitedly out of nowhere.

"Ah! Hi guys! How did it go?" She asks, literally bouncing up and down on the spot like an annoying child.

Prepare to be rained on sweetheart.

"Terrible." Alaric snaps from behind us, and when I turn to look at him I gasp as I realise he is struggling to control his wolf; his eyes are freakishly flashing gold. "She ran away from me. Again. I'm done being nice. You are mine little mate, and I don't care if you don't want me." He bites out, and the stonewall he is holding onto cracks under his angry grip. "You are mine and no one else's - you are not allowed to leave me!" He roars as black hairs spurt out in random places on his body and his bones begin to morph, causing him to fall to his knees.

With one last feral look at me, showing me the animal he has become, he gives into the shift, and I look away shaking as if I have Parkinson's disease as the audible snaps and cracks turn my stomach. I turn just in time to see a magnificent oil-coloured wolf the size of a bull racing away into the forest before it sleekly blends into the darkness of the night. The only evidence that Alaric was ever even here is the tattered remains of his suit crumpled on the floor. My knees go weak as I process the fact that Alaric – once a human – is now a wolf. Werewolf. Lou catches me and helps me inside, and I can tell she is disappointed in my actions, which makes me mad. I don't owe anything to Alaric!

Lou sits me down on a pale-blue feather embroided chair whilst I concentrate on not feinting. There is various bruising on my body from getting stuck in the window, adding to my growing collection, but I ignore it for now. Alaric is obviously quite upset that I rejected him, which in turn makes me feel like a horrible person.

I look around the entranceway as I rest my head back on the cream walls and try to regain the grip on my emotions, pleasantly surprised of the grandness of it all. A large diamond chandelier dangles from the ceiling, and the marble stairs swirl upwards around it. However, no matter how beautiful it is it doesn't take any light off the situation. Suddenly heartbroken howls fill the silence, and I instantly know it is Alaric. He sounds truly broken, and my heart clenches in pain and I want to comfort him. Wow, I really messed this one up. What if he never forgives me? The thought is unbearable, and my heartbeat starts to race in panic again.

"Hey, I came as soon as possible." Tori pants as she bursts in through the front door.

Lou leaves without a word, presumably going to comfort her brother. Tori sighs and helps me up, guiding me up the stairs and back to my bedroom. I just let her lead me, feeling miserable and remorseful. I didn't realise that Alaric would take my running away so... personal. His wolf is still howling, each heart-broken note slicing further into my heart.

"Come on Jessamine, let's sit you down." Tori says quietly, and I realise that I am already in my room although I did not register the journey.

Tori sits beside me on my plush bed, and we don't talk for moment, sitting in awful silence with only distant howls filling the void.

"Jessamine, I know it is none of my business, and you are in a difficult situation you never expected to be in, but... you need to give Alaric a chance." Tori says quietly.

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