5: Strangely Human

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I have been here for THREE freaking days, and I still haven't uncovered the mystery surrounding my kidnapping. Well, I haven't tried that hard considering I have conscientiously ignored everyone - well, apart from Lou who has turned out to be a sweetheart, but still she won't tell me anything of importance. Only that apparently Alaric and I need each other. Well, what I need right now is to return to my normal life!

Alaric has suddenly become the most patient man on earth, and keeps trying to coax me into talking to him by being gentlemanly and nice. Personally I think Lou had a word with him, as he doesn't seem to have any patience what so ever - exhibit A being kidnapping me ten minutes after we met because he thinks I am hot or whatever. Of course I have made myself proud by steadfastly ignoring his existence. I do not eat any of the food he brings me, and act as if I cannot hear him when he speaks. Usually he storms out in a mood, but he never hurts me so I will keep this little charade going until he returns me to my life.

That's what you get for kidnapping me instead of asking me on a date like a normal person! However, I don't think anything is normal around here. Everyone is insanely good-looking (maybe it is a clause of being part of this weird cult in the middle of a forest?), the owner is obviously hella rich (unless they murdered the original lord of the mansion of course), and every night I am kept awake by howling wolves. As far as I know there are no wolves in England, making me wonder where the hell I am. I could literally be anywhere in the world right now and not know, which makes me feel very helpless.

At least Lou took the shackle off my foot, meaning that I am allowed to explore the full reign of my bedroom now. I am not allowed outside my room though, and no matter how luxurious and perfect it is, it doesn't hide the cobwebs or cracks of the situation.

I am starting to go insane.

I feel like I desperately need to go for a walk outside or even a run, which I have never done before - anything to make me feel less like a trapped bird. Everyday I seem to go through four phases, the first being intense anger, the second heart-wrenching sadness, the third brain-numbing boredom and the last... Alaric. He comes in every day with a new tactic to get me to open up to him. He is trying, I'll give him that. Yesterday it was so hard not to talk, as he just came in, sat down on the embroided armchair and started talking. He told me stories from his childhood with his sister Lou, and revealed that his father died eight years ago, leaving him to take over the family business. He never once spoke of his mother, making me curious about her, and also how his father died. It sounds like he is alone. Eventually he ran out of things to say, and I got cramp in my leg from not moving for so long, so I ran into the bathroom, and when I came out, I was a little disappointed to see I was alone. I quite like finding out about his life, although he seems like quite an emotionally detached person, and all of his stories were quite mechanical with a lack of feeling.

Nevertheless, although I may be enjoying certain people's company, I miss my busy life dreadfully. It is like being on holiday without the fun and relaxation. There are only books and a telly in here, making my days long and boring. There is a large walk in wardrobe with beautiful, designer clothes all in my size, but after a day of pretending I was Kylie Jenner with no one to show off too, I lost interest in being a model. How she is so skinny even after a kid beats me. At least I have had a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep.

I have devoted most of my time to planning an escape. Alaric won't let me go for whatever reason, meaning I am going to have to take matters into my own hands. As far as a plan goes, I keep drawing up blanks. My bedroom door is always locked, and I have no idea how to pick it or even navigate my way to the front door, meaning that route is out of the question. The only other way to escape now would be to smash the window (which only opens enough to squeeze my hand through), jump down to the stony driveway below and run as fast as I can into the forest so that the trees can shield me. The only problem? I am on the second story and do not really want to break my leg. I have gotten through 22 years of not breaking any bones, and I do not want to start now. However, I am desperate to leave, meaning I will just have to risk it. It doesn't mean I am not scared though.

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