19: It Just Sucks

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After dramatically storming out of the meeting room, I race back to my bedroom, experiencing juxtaposing emotions when nobody follows me out. By nobody, I of course mean Alaric, which makes me even more mad. Why should I stick around and allow myself to fall in love with him when he treats me like sh*t? I want to cry and scream and hit and spit, but instead I stomp my way up to my bedroom, sighing when I hear angry voices inside.

Pushing the door open I see Carla mid breakdown and Lou and Jamie trying to calm her down. She has her suitcase on the bed and is messily chucking clothes in whilst ranting at the top of her lungs. When she notices me awkwardly stood outside the door, her expression becomes thunderous and she scowls at me with hatred.

"Jessamine..." She hisses. Oh sh*t. "Why would you get involved in a bloody gang? That sh*ts for books, not real life! And to get us involved in this too... You are a terrible friend!" She rants.

"I told the girls the truth." Lou adds in hastily. "My family is part of a gang and our rivals attacked today which is why you were put in the panic room. No one was hurt, as Alaric and his men scared them away, but obviously the girls are unnerved."

"Unnerved? I should be calling the police because of this! Why would you bring us here Jess? You have put our lives in danger! I know you always want to be the centre of attention and 'oh-so-perfect' but this is really messed up! Even for you!" Carla rages, hurting me inside.

"Hey, I am really sorry I didn't mean to..." I try but Carla laughs me off.

"Whatever Jessamine, I don't want to hear your bullsh*t excuses. You only wanted us here to show off your rich family, and nearly got us killed in the process! I feel like I don't know you anymore – you are selfish, manipulative and a liar, but what's changed. Jamie you have to come with me... it's not safe to stay and Jessamine obviously doesn't care what happens to us."

"Carla stop, you're just being mean now, let's all sit down and have a cup of tea. No one was hurt, we are all fine, and you have got to admit this is the coolest thing that has ever happened to us." Jamie adds in.

"Oh Jamie grow up! You only want to stay because of Izzy! You really are the most irresponsible and, and imprudent person I know if you are really going to risk your life for a guy, no matter how hot he is!"

"Oh, this is just so typical of you Carla! The moment something doesn't go your way you are out and start acting nasty!" Jamie shouts back and Lou and I glance at each other in worry.

"Girls stop acting bitchy! Carla if you want to go, go but if you say a word about this to anyone... they may be your last." Lou intervenes, the threat clearly visible and quietens everyone.

"Fine, you know what I'm not going to say anything considering I don't want to be murdered in the middle of the night, but I suggest you two leave as soon as possible because this can only end in one way – destruction. You are crazy and living with the fairies if you really think you can 'tame the bad boy'." Carla hisses as she slams her suitcase shut and zips it up.

"Sorry Carla. But I'm staying with Jess." Jamie announces defiantly making my heart drop.

"No Jamie, it really is best you go, Uni is starting again soon and you need to get ready..." I feebly try to convince her.

"No! I'm not leaving you or Izzy."

"Oh whatever, it is your funerals! Out of my way!" Carla snaps as she pushes through us with her suitcase dragging along behind her.

"Carla wait! I am so, so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt or upset anyone, I honestly didn't mean for any of this to happen." I exclaim, grabbing her arm to hold her in place.

"Well you did Jessamine, and you are all lunatics if you're going to stay here." Carla sighs, ripping her arm from my hold and continuing to storm out. All of us jump with the force she uses to slam the door. I think the walls actually shake.

"Oh god what have I done..." I moan as I bury my face in my hands on the brink of tears.

"I'm sorry Jessamine, but it is for the best. It is the only way." Lou says quietly as she places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know..." I sniffle. "It just sucks."

"It's ok Jess, you know Carla, she'll get over it soon." Jamie comments as she pulls me into a hug.

"Are you sure you won't go with her Jamie? I don't know how much longer I might have to stay here." I ask with a desperate tone.

"No I am sure Jessamine. Izzy and I have a connection... I really feel like he may be the one." She sighs dreamily as she pulls back from my arms. Instantly I know she is a goner.

"I will make sure that Carla gets home safely you two. Don't worry about her, she will be fine." Lou announces before making her way out mimicking Carla's footsteps.

"Ok, don't worry Jess everything will turn out fine. I'm going to go and find Izzy, and then I will come and see you later, ok?" Jamie says nonchalantly, as if my relationship with Carla hadn't just been ripped apart and Alaric hadn't insulted me and treated me like dirt.

"Yeah sure, whatever." I sigh, but she has already gone.

With a crumbling heart, I stumble my way over to my bed before collapsing in it, allowing the tears to finally flow freely as I contemplate the sad mess of my life.


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