6: Plagued with the Existence of Werewolves

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Hesitantly my eyes flutter open, and I feel dizzy and disorientated. A terrifying nightmare just rocked my system, causing a cold sweat to form and me to feel incredibly unnerved. It was so real I almost tricked myself into believing it was. But no, that would be crazy, and mean that I have definitely lost my mind. Wolves don't just turn into people you know!

The soothing sound of the rain pattering against the shielded window and my heartbeat fill my ears as I realise I am snuggled into someone's warm, safe arms, and their fingers are combing through my tangled hair. Glancing up I freeze as I see Alaric uncertainly looking down at me, and I realise I am not in my room. What the hell?

"Alaric? What's going on?" I snap as I try to push out of his hold but he pulls me in tighter.

"Calm down. You heartbeat is racing." Alaric murmurs.

"Let me go!" I exclaim angrily, but as I shuffle in his hold, I realise that I am in pain all over, especially in my ankle, which is throbbing mercilessly.

I freeze again with this revelation, starting to feel panicked as I find similarities between my dream and real life. No... It couldn't be.

"Jessamine... how much do you remember?" Alaric asks quietly, sounding nervous.

"Well I don't remember how I got into your room, so I guess you must have kidnapped me from my bed." I growl, earnestly fighting his tough hold again. I need to get out. I need to breathe.

It was just a dream.

"No Jessamine that's not what happened, and you know it. You tried to run away..."

"No!" I shout sharply as he finally lets me go and I hobble over to the black leather sofa facing a cinema-screen TV. "It was just a dream." I declare through gasps of pain.

I feel like I was beaten with a ten-foot metal pole... or fell out of a second story window.

"Jessamine, what you saw wasn't a dream... I'm sorry, but it was real."

"No! You're lying! Werewolves can't suddenly exist!" I yell hysterically as I lean onto the sofa.

"They do Jessamine. I am a werewolf; we are all werewolves here except from you." He explains as he stands and starts to stalk closer.

"Bull sh*t! I am not stupid; this is all just some, some elaborate prank meant to s-scare me... Well bring out the cameras because I am scared ok, really, really fricking scared and you're freaking me out..." I ramble as my eyes fill with tears.

"Jessamine please, I am not going to hurt you." Alaric sighs tiredly as I flinch away from his nearing footsteps. "I didn't want you to find out so soon but Bear was a dick and decided he knew what was best for me." Alaric's jaw clenches at the mention of Bear, but I am hardly listening, as all I can think about is that awful nightmarish creature transforming into a human.

"I don't b-believe you." I stumble out, my hands shaking so much that if I were holding a drink it would spill all over me.

"Why won't you believe me Jessamine? I am a werewolf, the Alpha - leader of the Blue Moon Creek Pack. It's simple really - you saw Bear transforming from his wolf. You cannot deny something you saw with your own eyes." He announces insensitively as I hobble away from him, my feet sinking into the plush carpeted floors.

"It is impossible! A trick of the mind!" I explode as I come to rest against the back wall with a massive headache and throbbing in my temples.

Wolves don't just turn into people, of course they don't. That's some weird Twilight messed up sh*t. There must be a logical explanation to what I saw, there just has to be. Werewolves do not exist. I know something messed up is going on around here, but not supernatural sh*t! There is no way I want anything to do with that... even if it makes Alaric slightly hotter. Focus Jessamine! You're supposed to be in the middle of a mental breakdown! I am scared, bewildered and confused, of course I am, but in some ways, it kind of makes sense... and is maybe even a little cool.

"You don't believe me?" Alaric snaps. "Well I guess I will just have to force you too." He growls, as his eyes do that freaky thing where they change between his hypnotising bluey-green and a striking gold.

Ok, it is not as cool anymore.

"Please don't." I beg as I seal my eyes shut, knowing that he is going to transform into a creature of darkness.

"Look at me." Alaric growls a moment later, his voice distinctly deeper and scratchier then before.

I whimper in response, terrified as to what I am going to see and trying to sink myself into the cold wall. I was so wrong; it may be cool to think about but definitely not to experience.

"Jessamine." He demands again in such an alluring tone I feel my eyes open themselves.

He hasn't transformed into a whole wolf, although you can tell he is on the road to do it. His eyes are completely golden, glowing against the darkness of the room, and his face doesn't look human. His jaw is starting to morph, and pointed fangs poke down over his now hairy lower face. His hands have grown, and his nails have elongated into sharp claws. He is deadly. Beautifully deadly.

I am mesmerised yet frozen in fear; my brain feeling like it could explode at any second.

We stand staring at each other, both of us breathing heavily, as Alaric relaxes and turns back into a human. God, what a statement. The expression on his face tells me he is glad I have not run, but now more then ever I know I need to leave. I am in way over my head – I don't want any part of this fvcked up supernatural world! I want to be worrying about human problems like what I am going to wear tomorrow or how much alcohol is too much, not whether some guy I strangely like and his friends are going to turn into wolves and eat me!

"You see, there is no reason to be scared." Alaric announces once all trace of his other side has gone.

That's rich coming from him, considering I don't think I would be able to talk if I tried, and I'm shaking like a leaf in the wind.

"You just have to trust me ok, and don't you dare try to run away again, because I will find you. I will always find you. You are mine, and now that I finally have you, I cannot live without you Jessamine. You are my angel." He declares, making me want to cry and faint at the same time, but instead I stay frozen.

I know he is trying to be sweet, in his own weird way, but right now I do not want anything to do with him, no matter how much my heart protests. I've just found out that I am literally in a den of weird-probably-unstable human-wolves, and he has decided now is a good time to claim me as his own? I don't want to belong to anybody, let alone someone who should not even exist! No, I need space and time to figure out how I can escape again, which is going to be hard as obviously security around me is going to double now. Will I ever even be able to get away? Alaric has just promised that he will always find me... Oh, now I feel claustrophobic and scared.

I want to be alone and go back to being a normal human. If only I didn't go to that blasted coffee shop. Maybe then I wouldn't be plagued with the existence of werewolves.


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