17: Panic Room

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I feel really bad as Alaric (embarrassingly) carries me out of the house, as I didn't say goodbye to little Zerenity. I plan to find her later and spoil her with chocolate to make up for it though. As we exit the house I realise that we are all alone – well, there are about fifteen women crammed into the window watching us as Alaric places me on my feet. I blush at the giggling women as Alaric wraps his arm protectively around me and guides me back to his mansion. He looks and feels amazing, although he really should warn me when he is going to touch me. I need to mentally prepare or I might go into go into cardiac arrest. He is only wearing a pair of low riding jeans and a mouth-wateringly tight white V-neck exposing his desirable eight pack, but he is better then any cover model and undeniably hot. I stumble a little as I swoon over his appearance and contemplate ripping out any females eyes who have seen him today.

He looks good enough to eat.

"So, erm, what's up? Why were you so worried about my whereabouts? Didn't Lou tell you I was with the children?" I ask as I try to get my wayward thoughts back on track.

"She did... it's just that you're not allowed out on your own." He shrugs, but I know what he really means: he doesn't trust me to stay.

Then it hits me.

I don't want to leave. I want to be with him... be with Alaric. But what does this mean for my life back in London? What about my degree, my future plans? Suddenly none of it seems that important, which scares me. My life needs to be more then just the role of a housewife, looking after our children and by the sounds of it everyone else and their children as well. Still, I cannot stop my thoughts from tumbling out my mouth.

"I won't run away again." I announce breathlessly, causing Alaric to pause.

"Seriously?" He asks anxiously, coming to a stop and caging me into his arms.

"...Yes." I announce, knowing that I cannot deny him anything when he looks at me as if I have the power to take his life away.

Alaric simply smiles breathtakingly, his sharp white teeth not scaring me anymore – in fact, all I can think about is how lucky he is that they are all perfectly straight. He then gives me a firm kiss on the forehead and we continue back to his house, the impressive structure looming in the close distance. Leaves and stones crunch underneath our feet, and I cannot believe how beautiful it is around here. There is a large lake to the left of the house, which I hadn't noticed before, and a family of ducks with the cutest little ducklings are splashing around in the glow of the afternoon sun. There is just green everywhere – virescent fields, emerald trees, sea-green lake... It is so pure and naturistic, vastly different from my tiny flat in London and the view of metal and more metal. Now that is something I do not miss.

"What do you do Alaric? How are you so rich?" I ask, knowing an impressive manor house like this, all of the land and the pack house must have cost a few millions.

"Well, have you heard of Moon Technologies?" He asks as we make our way up the impressive stone steps flanked by cream pillars holding up the large balcony.

"Isn't that like a massive world wide supplier?" I ask.

"Exactly. It is a hundred-million pound business, which my great grandfather set up, and I am now the CEO of. He wanted a way to make money fairly and produce a job that most werewolves can do. We supply parts to big producers such as car and phone companies." Alaric explains, and I am seriously impressed. They have factories all over the world, and have an untouchable reputation for being the best. Is it possible that Alaric just got a little hotter?

"Wow that's awesome! Do you get to work from home?" I ask as he shuts the carved front door behind me.

"Not usually. We have a head quarters in London which is where I usually work, but I have been working from home lately considering I have found you." Alaric explains.

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