10: I Have Unintentionally Literally Led them to the Wolves Den

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A cold sweat has broken out on me, and I feel physically sick as Carla and Jamie pull up outside the mansion. A lone tear slips out which I quickly wipe away, knowing I have to be the best goddamn actress in the world in order to keep my friends safe. Lou, Tori and Izzy are in the front lounge with me, each sitting with a grim look on their face and exchanging not so secret glances of disapproval. In order for the rouse to work we are pretending that Tori is my long lost cousin on my mother's side, as my 'auntie' was disowned by my grandmother and mother for getting pregnant at seventeen. It's not much of a stretch really, considering their godly and over-righteous attitudes. It wouldn't surprise me if my grandmother told me she was the Virgin Mary. Anyway, we are pretending that Tori has reached out to me after her mother died and revealed the existence of her sh!tty family, and of course I welcomed her with open arms whilst my mother turned her nose up.

As Carla and Jamie get out of the car, each obviously flabbergasted by the extravagant mansion with awe shining in their eyes, I hold back my tears knowing that I have unintentionally literally led them into the wolves den. The bastard who is at the centre of all my misery isn't even here, probably hiding away in his dark office. I hate him so much right now.

Carla and I grew up in the same town together, and we have been there for each other for every up and down, her supporting me when my dickhead dad left to start a new family, and I always defended and threw punches at the bullies who picked on her for her weight. Lately I feel as though Carla and I aren't as close, as she has no real goals in life and is usually high on weed, but we have been through so much together I will never just drop her. She has always struggled with her weight growing up, being more thick – thick then slim thick like me, but I am always there to remind her that she has head-turning assets all the boys want to grab, as well as the softest long brown locks a girl could wish for.

I guess our relationship has also been struggling a bit since our ex best friend Zara (who my boyfriend cheated on me with) left the group, meaning there are now only three of us. Jamie has been close with us since we started at university, and I find her easy-going yet goal-orientated attitude much easier to deal with. Jamie has eyes so green they remind you of the first blooms in spring, and has currently lopped her hair into a pixie cut and dyed it grey. She only reaches five foot, but her fiery, seductive smirk tells you not to mess with her.

The girls knock on the door and Lou gets up to open it, welcoming them into hell. I feel a little guilty as I see my girls, as happiness blooms within me as I finally see something familiar. These past few days have been the most stressful and terrifying of my life, so I am happy to see them yet worried now they are here.

"Jess!" Carla squeals, and we race to each other to share a much-needed hug.

"Carla! Oh I missed you so much, you too Jamie!" I exclaim as Jamie joins the cuddle party.

Even though I am feeling very sad and beaten down, the girls presence has managed to coax a smile out of me. Hugs with Carla are always the best as she is tall (well, five foot eight but almost everyone is tall to me), and she reminds me of home as much as Alaric does.

"It's so crazy that you found a cousin – and a rich one at that! I'm so happy for you." Carla exclaims, knowing how I have always wanted a big family but got stuck with a mum with a stick up her ass and a grandma with an even bigger one. I don't want anything to do with my dad's side of the family as they abandoned us.

"Y-Yes, a cousin. Here she is..." I point to Tori who introduces herself, and Carla looks at me sceptically.

I turn away from her quickly, not wanting her to think that anything is wrong, but I am met with an even worse situation when I see Izzy and Jamie most taken with each other, a rare blush highlighting Jamie's usually snowy skin. Oh no... That's bad, very bad. I watch on feeling horrified as Izzy takes Jamie's hand and places a chaste kiss on it causing her to giggle whilst Tori and Lou talk to Carla. Jamie and Izzy can't like each other! That puts her in an even more dangerous situation, and one I am powerless to stop. They need to leave, and now.

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