28: Knight In Shining Armour

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"Stop! Wait!" Alaric yells as he bursts through the tree line like my knight in shining armour.

I try not to feel mad at the fact he is as naked as the day he was born. These bitches had better keep their eyes to themselves.

Killian takes the opportunity to pull me hard against his chest and plant a knife against my throat as I wiggle to be free of him. As my eyes connect with Alaric's my soul aches to be held by him, hating Killian's disgusting scent.

"Oh look who decided to join the party." Killian chuckles humourlessly. "A little earlier then expected though... Did you have fun slaughtering those rogues Alaric?" He asks in a blasé manner as if he isn't talking about murder and threatening my life.

"No one has been slaughtered Killian. Now stop these foolish games - you will not win. Give me my mate back." Alaric demands, glaring at the segregated knife as if he could shatter it with his eyes.

"Hmm I don't think so. She's quite happy in my arms, aren't you darling?" He chortles with his southern drawl.

"Killian let her go! She is nothing to do with this! I figured out your games and knew you were coming after Jessamine. Act like a man and fight me, just let my mate go." Alaric growls ferociously, and I can tell he is holding himself back from attacking as he repeatedly clenches his fists.

"No! She has everything to do with this! You have always gotten everything you wanted! You have always been the best; the favourite! Whatever little Alaric wanted, he got. Now this is something I am going to take away from you. You take my mate I'll take yours." Killian growls dangerously, and I stop breathing for a second as he pushes the knife harder into my throat.

Ok, now what the heck is this psycho talking about? I struggle to keep my balance as he walks me back over a tree trump, and I hope for his sake his little tantrum will be over by dinner. I'm starving!

"What are you talking about? As far as I know you never found your mate!" Alaric snaps angrily, tired of his bullsh*t.

"I am talking about Mila Andrews dickhead! She was my mate! But she didn't want me, no – she wanted you – still wants you! Why do you think I tried to takeover your pack? I thought she would want me if I were Alpha, but it turns out it didn't matter what I did – she was obsessed with you! Well if I don't get a mate who loves me then you won't either."

"Mila is your... your mate?" Alaric gasps.

Well damn.

"Was my mate. She rejected me right after we realised at your eighteenth birthday party. She was hoping for you, just like every other unmated female, but instead she got me, and rejected me without a thought. Remember I left for two weeks, and then came back with an army? Well I was in so much pain when she rejected me I thought I would die. But instead I became stronger, directing my anger into hating you and winning her back." Killian reveals.

"That's why you killed my mother and so many innocent lives? I have never even kissed the girl! Why didn't you just tell me? We could have saved so much bloodshed! Anyway, I banished her from the pack for attacking Jessamine – why don't you go and find her? I'm sure she needs you now." Alaric tries to twist his way of thinking, and I can tell how shocked, maddened and angry he is at all of these revelations.

Mila is one annoying bitch, to think if she had just done the right thing and accepted her mate, Alaric's parents would still be here and so much pain and hurt could have been avoided. From the corner of my eye, I notice Bear, Tori and the other warriors standing a little further into the forest, examining the situation carefully as Killian's rogues warn them not to come any closer with knives and gnashing teeth.

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