11: Hotter then a Hair Straightener

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"Hey Jess... can I come in?" Alaric asks as he peeps his head round the door.

I bristle at his presence, the ache in my heart since he told me he wanted someone else intensifying. I continue to file my nails and ignore his existence. As soon as I fled from him, I tried to ignore my cracked heart and focus on my friends. I think I have dulled their suspicions for a while, blaming my odd behaviour on my period and losing my phone. I feel awful lying to them, but it is the lesser of two evils.

"Look... I just wanted to apologise. I was upset and not thinking clearly and said things that I definitely don't mean." He sighs as he enters into my room, standing awkwardly by the bed.

Whatever! I don't care! I curse under my breath as my frenzied sawing at my nail causes it to snap. Now I will have to cut them all down, and just like everything else, it is all Alaric's fault!

"Yeah yeah, save your pretty words for someone who actually cares." I roll my eyes as I swing round to give him my best death glare. "I think you must be mistaken about me being your soulmate, because if I actually were then you wouldn't be doing any of this!"

"Jessamine..." Alaric groans as he lets his head roll forward into his palms as if he were holding on to his sanity by a single thread. "Don't you see; it's my only choice to get you to stay! If you leave me like everyone else, I won't be able to cope with it! I need you!" He bellows making me gasp.

Everything goes quiet apart from mine and Alaric's ragged breaths.

"You're... you're scared of losing me?" I question in a small voice.

"Jessamine... I." Alaric looks like he's about to clam up again, panic spinning in his eyes, before me mumbles a defeated 'yes'.

"Ok..." I whisper whilst trying to fight a smile threatening to bloom because I feel like we are finally making some progress.

Alaric certainly does not like opening up to people, so the fact that he is trying with me really makes me feel special and elated. Awkwardly like a baby learning to walk Alaric stumbles closer to me on the bed, before unsurely sitting down.

A deep longing overwhelms me to find out exactly what happened to Alaric to make him so unsure of himself and closed off, but I know I need to take things slow. Hopefully he will open up to me when he's ready.

"Thank you for being honest with me." I start nervously wondering where we go from here. "However you have to understand that this is all completely new to me and I'm still struggling with the concept of... of there being other creatures in the world. So when you say I am yours and I have no choice it scares me and makes me want to fight. I'm not just an object for you to win - I have feelings too you know." I explain to Alaric as his sea-green orbs drill into my own.

"Ok. I understand and I'm sorry." Alaric sighs through a heavy breath. "It's just that in the werewolf world we would've been mated by now and you would submit to me as your alpha with no problem. I just never expected you to be human as it makes everything harder." Alaric reveals ruffling my feathers the wrong way.

"Oh, well I'm sorry I'm not perfect." I retort feeling a bit offended.

"No that's not what I... you know what, never mind - I have things to do." Alaric snaps as his walls are built back up.

He is so frustrating!

I feel an actual pain in my heart as he jerks away from my bed as if it were crumbling to dust before storming towards the door. Just as he goes to open it, it miraculously opens for him, and Jamie and Carla start to push in. Great, right when I want them to return. They left fifteen minutes ago to collect their hair accessories and makeup as apparently I am in 'dire' need of a makeover. They probably got distracted comparing the nudes sent to them on snap.

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