18: Someone is Trying to Attack Us

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"Jessamine! You need to tell us what the fvck is going on, right now." Carla seethes.

We have been holed up in this room for nearly two hours now, with no sign of ever leaving. I am going crazy with worry for Alaric, wondering if I will ever see him again. I do not know what I will do if we get out and he isn't there. The thought terrifies me and shakes me to my core, letting me know that I simply would not be able to cope. The guards haven't said a word since we got in here, the only thing they have done is defend themselves against Carla and Jamie's futile hits. It is safe to say my friends have both turned into raging lunatics, which I cannot really blame them for. They have cried, pleaded, screamed and shouted, but the guards take the abuse like pros. I wonder what their childhoods were like.

Even I am struggling to hold onto the thread of sanity, and I know a lot more then my friend's do, which at the end of the day accounts to nothing. I am just praying that Alaric will get out of this unscathed.

"Look, I've already told you girls, I don't know what's going on!" I exclaim tiredly. I need a drink, and a strong one at that.

"You must know something!" Jamie growls before she sneezes, probably due to the thick layers of dust in here.

"I swear Jessamine; if you have got mixed up in a gang and then invited us here I am going to hurt you." Carla rumbles.

"Ok, ok, look – I really don't know what's going on right now, and I am just as scared as you two... but I haven't been entirely truthful..." I reveal awkwardly, making the guards stony faces snap up to stare at me warningly.

"Tori isn't really my cousin... she is actually related to a different Jessamine and there was a mix-up. We have become really good friends though and I didn't want to leave."

"Is that it Jessamine? I'm more concerned about my life then your family right now." Carla rolls her eyes angrily.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know..." I try, knowing that she is not really angry with me, just the situation... I have put her in. Ok, actually she probably is mad at me.

Carla starts ranting again whilst Jamie tries to calm her down and I contemplate the stupid, exasperating, complex and confusing situation we are now in. I just want Alaric, and tears stab at my eyes as I wonder if I will ever see him again. I need him like the air I breathe.

"Guards, please, as your Luna, tell me what's happened." I beg, causing them to look anxiously at each other.

Well, at least I know they listened to me.

"What's a Luna?" Jamie questions as Carla ugly cries, but I ignore her for now.

"We're not authorised to..." The blonde one starts anxiously, but I am not in the mood to be fed bullsh*t.

"I am ordering you to tell me." I counter as I step up to them, unnerving them greatly.

"Look, all we can say is someone... someone is trying to attack us." He reveals hesitantly and cryptically.

"We're all going to die!" Jamie wails before both she and Carla collapse on the sofa and start sobbing. God, I wouldn't want to be in an apocalypse with them!

"What like other... other werewolves?" I whisper so that the girls can't hear me.

However, nothing I do tempts the guards into answering any more questions, who from then on refuse even to look at me, no matter how livid or distressed I get. I do notice periodically that their eyes flicker to silver, and I wonder if they are communicating with each other in a wolfish way. It is another whole hour of screaming, begging and crying before the space where the door should be hums and starts to open. I nearly full on kiss Lou when I see her stony self standing like an angel opening up our escape. Before I can take a step out Carla and Jamie shove past me and out the room, using language I would rather not repeat and harassing Lou for answers who honestly looks way out of it. Dreads pools in my stomach and rises through my body, choking me as I worry for everyone's safety. I swear if Alaric is hurt, I will move heaven and earth to make those responsible pay.

Carla is freaking out, demanding to go home right this minute whilst Jamie is slumped on the floor, exhausted. Lou tries to calm Carla who is going on and on like a banshee, and in all honesty just needs a slap to snap her back into the land of the sane.

"Lou... where's Alaric? Is he ok?" I demand to know.

"He's... he's fine. But you should go to him. Danny will take you." Lou says as she nods towards one of the guards. "I'll deal with the humans." She sighs and I nod in agreement.

"Wait, Jessie don't go..." Jamie calls out meekly, but my need to check Alaric over and encase him in my arms forever overrides the needs of my friends.

I follow along anxiously behind 'Danny' as we make our way out of the eerily silent house and towards the pack house, the wind nipping at my skin. Well, there are no signs of a brutal attack, mangled bodies or pools of blood anywhere, which is good I guess. As we hurry into the pack house, I hear Alaric shouting in the distance, my heart clenching with need for him. Gone is the happy and familial vibes from earlier, now there are only empty tables, it is cold, and every room is a dark grey echoing the sombre, cloudy skies. The guard leads me into what seems to be a big meeting room, with chairs crawling with people climbing the walls like in parliament, and Alaric standing tensely in the middle behind a large red table.

"How did he slip undetected on to our land?" Alaric growls, looking vexed.

I gasp as I notice long red scratches rising in a river of blood down his right arm, but Alaric seems to ignore it and allows his blood to splatter onto his carpet. Deeply rooted anger erupts within me as I see red, wanting to rip apart anyone who thought they could hurt my mate.

"Alaric!" I gasp as I race into the room, longing to be by his side.

A wave of surprised murmurings echoes through the room at my entrance, but I focus on the one thing that is important to me.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I ask worriedly as his eyes snap to mine, and his look softens yet hardens at the same time.

"It's nothing I'm fine." He snaps as I reach out to caress his injuries, feeling pain myself that he is hurt. "Go back to the house; I will see you later - I need to work out how to keep you safe." He growls and I nearly whimper as he moves away from me.

Can't he see how much I need him right now?

"No, just let me see your arm. It could get infected." I reason, feeling a little unsure on why he is acting this way towards me.

"Just leave it Jessamine!" He roars causing me to stumble back, and the other men and women in the room gasp in shock.

Intense sadness burns within me as tears prickle in my eyes.

"Fvck you!" I spit before racing out of the room on the verge of tears, hating the way he has so much power over my emotions.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter today guys! Who do you think is trying to attack? Love you all, there is only 10 chapters and an epilogue left !!!


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