23: We Have A Big Day Tomorrow

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Apparently the news of Mila's banishment has spread like wild fire around the pack, even though it was only hours ago. Everyone is shocked and outraged by her despicable actions, apart from her mother who is understandably distraught. Her stepfather (Bear's dad) stormed in and pleaded with Alaric to lift the banishment but his request was denied, and the ex beta could not argue considering Alaric is the alpha.

Alaric told Lou and Tori our plans for mating tomorrow, causing them to scream with happiness and excitement and attack me with hugs and kisses. It is safe to say they are a little delighted. With the help of Marge (the lovely lady I met at the pack house) and her friend Carmen who are in charge of event planning in the pack, they believe that they will be able to pull off the Luna Ceremony tomorrow. I can hardly believe it, and am torn between excitement and nervousness.

From tomorrow, the Blue Moon Creek Pack will officially become a massive part of my life.

Alaric told me the story behind the name, as apparently there is a tale of an Alpha (one of Alaric's ancestors) long ago who was nearly killed by his brother in a vicious takeover. However the Moon Goddess restored his strength and healed him when he fell into the creek along the road to the pack house (which I thought was a lake), which glowed a mysterious silvery-blue under the light of the full moon. Because of this story (which the were's believe is true) the creek is a sacred place where they gather to honour the Moon Goddess. The Luna Ceremony will happen next to it. I have already chosen my dress out of Lou's closet – a beautiful silken gown which is rather like a wedding dress in a virginal white colour. Sadie – the packs local dressmaker is going to adjust it slightly for me, as I am a bit curvier then Lou.

Right now, I am attending my first pack meeting, which popped up as a last minute be-there-or-die kind of thing. Alaric wanted me to join him as his Luna, as of tomorrow this will be my job. Apparently they sent out 'tracker-wolves' to hunt down Killian and his rogue friends, and they found them by following Mila's scent to make sure she left the pack lands. This means that Mila has probably been betraying us all this time and led them onto our lands! I think I just fell even deeper into my pool of hatred for Mila. The powerful men and women in the room are now debating what their next move should be.

Alaric is sitting at the head of the table looking distinctively handsome and authoritative in his suit. There is just something so hot about a man that can control a room without a single word. Ever since I accepted that I want to be his I have this yearning to always be close to him, and the horniness has tripled. I can tell that Alaric feels the same as his eyes always dart back to mine and he keeps his hand planted firmly in my own.

"So, our options are to either wait an attack out and prepare a defence, or attack them since we know where they are." Bear proposes across the glass table on Alaric's left. I am on his right.

"I think we should ambush them." Tori announces next to Bear.

"Right at their camp with all their weapons and forces? I say we should bait them into coming back here, move the women and children out, surround them and finish them off, as they will be expecting us to be prepared but won't know our methods." One of the men in charge of training the wolves suggests.

"No we don't want to risk our homes and land! We should attack them in the dead of night." A top female warrior with a scary resting bitch face proposes.

"Yeah, surprise them!" Another person calls out.

"No we shouldn't do that, they are near human territory, and if it gets really bloody - as I am sure it will, we are going to have to get a clean up crew and inform the Palace officials. It is easier to contain the war on our own land." Izzy argues.

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