27: Entirely At This Demons Mercy

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Every second that goes past pushes me a little further over the edge. I want - no need Alaric. Waiting for him is just driving me crazy, as I do not know what is happening; if he is hurt or even alright. This is the worst form of torture. I am so worried, and I just want to be wrapped up in his arms. I am wearing his hoodie, his scent the only thing keeping me sane, but still it doesn't compare to him being beside me.

We are all seated in the secure bunker, which is actually pretty large with row after row of benches and lockers on the walls for each family containing food, spare clothes and blankets. There is even a block of toilets at the end and a TV. It is incredible that there is actually a secret room under the forest, and we could survive for about a month under here. Everyone is quite worried and scared, holding their loved ones close and praying to the moon goddess to keep the warriors safe.

After helping to hand out snacks to everyone I settled down next to Lou and Jamie who are very quiet but putting on brave faces like the rest of us. Zerenity is sat on my lap colouring in a Disney Princess notebook and humming to herself softly. I wish I could be as oblivious as her. She seems to really love me, which is so endearing. My guess is it is because I have shown her love, which is really sad as the people she should be able to rely on aren't looking after her properly. She has been through so much losing her mother at only five years old.

The three guards are posted around the room acting as a reminder of the dire situation. Two of them are Mick and Harry – both rippling with muscles and totally dreamy, but I don't even go for the sneaky double look, completely infatuated with Alaric. His hotness outweighs theirs plentifully. The last girl is a female I have never met, who is standing right close to me. Occasionally our eyes meet, but she doesn't smile – probably too worried about whatever family of hers went out to fight today.

"Hello Luna dear, how are you feeling?" A sweet woman asks as she sits down on the bench opposite me.

"Oh hello, I am ok, how about you?" I reply with as bright a smile I can muster.

"Well, I have been better. I am Bubbles by the way, and this is my grandson Tyson." She introduces me to a shy little boy peeping out from behind her glamorous curls.

"Oh, well it is lovely to meet you both. This is my friend Zerenity, say hi Z." I prompt her, and she gives them a shy wave before retreating into my chest with a blush.

"She seems to love you! I am glad you have each other. It must be tough being away from Alpha Alaric so soon after completing your bond. Most mates take a few weeks off just to spend with each other."

"Thank you... well yes, it is hard to be away from him but I know it has to be done. Once Killian is out of the way, we will go on our honeymoon."

"Oh I am glad to hear it lovey. You make a beautiful couple; oh can you just imagine how beautiful your babies are going to be?" Bubbles sighs dreamily, and a few other women who are listening in murmur in agreement.

"Thank you that is very sweet." I reply with red cheeks as Jamie squeals about how much she wants to be an auntie. "Is your mate fighting today?" I ask, trying to take the attention off of future mini Alaric's and Jessamine's.

"Yes my mate Paul is fighting, along with my son, daughter in law and son in law. They will make the pack proud I am sure of it; it is just such a worry seeing them go off like that and knowing that... that anything could happen. My Paul is strong though, and has lots of experience as an older man meaning I am not too worried about him. He has always come back to me, and he isn't going to stop now." Bubbles insists with teary eyes, and I admire her bravery.

"They will be fine, all of them will. Dirty rogues aren't a match for our men." Delaney boasts proudly.

"Yes, Gavin will come back to Fae and I, he just has too." Kellie (who I remember meeting at the pack house) insists, yet terror swarms her blue eyes.

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