12: Dirty Deets Over a Cinnamon Soya Latte

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Ok, so I definitely feel as though the tables have turned between Alaric and I, and that really infuriates me. After our encounter yesterday, Alaric has become like a ghost and is definitely ignoring me whilst I crave his presence like air. He is all I can think about which is ridiculous and totally uncalled for. Since when have I become so obsessed with him? I even had a series of vivid dreams about him last night, although they were all (sadly) innocent.

I keep spacing out on the girls wondering where Alaric is, whom he is with and what he is doing. Sometimes I feel like I can feel his eyes on me, but as soon as I turn around the feeling has gone. The girls are worried and frustrated with my distant, dreamy look and unhearing ears, but it is not as if they are talking about anything of real interest! All they are gossiping on about is food, the house, Izzy, Alaric and the party. They are both obsessed with the idea of meeting more of Alaric's hot friends and meeting potential hook-ups, although Jamie is only set on Izzy. I'm going to have to drive a hammer between the two.

Lou and Tori are hanging out with us all today, and we are unsurprisingly all getting along really well. They may be werewolves but their human sides are lovely. Carla is obsessed with Bear and his massiveness, and keeps asking Tori for the dirty details in their relationship. Gag. Bear and I definitely have a mutual dislike for each other so I don't want to hear about his insatiable appetite or the meat he's packing between his legs. It's freaking disgusting!

"Oh, where can I find me a Bear?" Carla sighs wistfully.

"I know, he sounds like a demon in bed, just what every girl wants." Lou sighs too.

It took a lot of coaxing for Tori to open up about her relationship with my sex-crazed friends, and Lou is remaining tight-lipped about her relationship with the mysterious Zechariah, whom I still haven't met. Then there is me with my boring non-existent love life.

"Ok, I am feeling very sick now thanks to that over-indulgence of information, so I'm going to get a drink. Anyone want one?" I ask as I stand up and wipe the crumbs of the delicious carrot cake we just shared off my jeans.

After taking orders, I make my way to the sleek white kitchen, which is rich people goals. As I turn into the kitchen, I bump into a cloud of perfume and fur.

"Watch where you're going." Mila snaps as I stumble backwards into the grey wall.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" I retort as I cross my arms sassily.

"Oh, so you're still here then? Don't worry you'll be going home soon enough human." She spits, going red like a nasty rash. "You could never satisfy Alaric like I can, which he will realise when I seduce him tonight at the party, so you can go home. No one will miss you." She snorts menacingly with an evil smile.

"Stay away from him you bitch!" I growl, getting all up in her space.

"It's going to be him who can't stay away from me." She boasts wickedly, making me see red.

"Why you little..." I seethe, raising my hand to smack her straight back to hell but she expertly dodges out the way and gives me a harsh shove sending me flying.

I expect to make a Jessamine-shaped dent into the wall, but instead I am thrown against a hard yet warm chest.

"Mila!" Alaric roars whilst keep a firm hold on me.

She instantly falls to her knees on the sparkling white tiles and bares her neck submissively making a grin curl onto my features.

"Don't you dare come near me Mila. No matter what is going on between Jessamine and I, I would never turn to you. I never have slept with you and I never will. If you bring this up again or even breathe the wrong way around my mate, you will be cast out of the pack." Alaric thunders making me feel victorious and warmth for him pool into my stomach.

"Of course Alpha, I'm sorry." Mila sniffles, her fearful expression making her look like a young girl even with her unnatural vermilion coloured locks and attention-grabbing fur coat.

"Leave." Alaric barks, and she picks herself up from the floor and flees from us with her eyes downcast.

I feel a little sorry for her, but I soon forget about her existence when Alaric whirls me around and starts checking me over tenderly.

"Are you ok? I am so sorry you had to go through that." Alaric murmurs as he runs his hands down my arms and takes my own in his.

"I'm fine." I whisper, staring adoringly at him.

His eyes flicker to mine and suddenly all I can see and feel is he. We get lost in each other's presence, and I feel like I am drowning in his wet-soil eyes, but I am not scared. My lips tingle with need to feel his own against mine, and I suck my lower lip in, biting softly to try to control the urge. Alaric notices the movement, his eyes darkening and his hands tightening on my own. He leans in slightly and my heart thunders in my chest with anxiousness to kiss him, when he clears his throat and steps away from me, causing the lusty haze to evaporate, although he continues holding one of my hands.

I feel lost and like I am in a daze, until giggling from down the hall draws my attention. I blush tomato red when I notice Carla, Jamie, Lou and Tori watching our exchange with interest, wiggling their eyebrows and winking suggestively. A quick glance at Alaric tells me he is blushing too; looking so adorable, I want to pinch his cheeks.

"Well, I actually have a meeting later I have to prepare for, so I'll see you girls later, alright?" Alaric mentions awkwardly.

He squeezes my hand before he turns to leave, and I dreamily watch him saunter off down the hall before I am attacked by a flurry of assumptions and questions.

"That was so cute! Want to tell us what's going on?" Carla squeals.

"Yeah, are you finally giving him a chance?" Tori winks.

"Woah calm down guys!" I laugh and blush even harder. "We'll talk later, ok? He's probably still listening..." I whisper.

"Fine then." Lou pouts, just as eager for the latest gossip as the others are.

"You should tell us all the dirty deets over a cinnamon soya latte at the mall! Tori, Lou and Bear are going to take us shopping with Alaric's credit card for the party!" Carla squeals as she jumps up and down.

"We're allowed out?" I gasp in a surprised manner.

"Duh, why wouldn't we be? We're not prisoners." Jamie laughs, and Tori, Lou and I glance at each other before half-heartedly chuckling along so that we don't raise suspicion.

If only they knew... Carla looks at me worriedly, and I wonder if she can tell that something is not quite right, but the look soon dissipates. I'll worry about her later. I am pleased by the new development, however random and strange, and I can't wait to show Alaric just how hot I can be at the party.


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