Chapter 1 - A Nightly Visit

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It was around 9pm. Marinette had decided to sit on her balcony and look over the little book her Drama Teacher had given her at the end of class. The moon was large and bright tonight, providing just enough light (when combined with the city lights from below) for her to see without hurting her eyes. Then suddenly her light disappeared, after straining to see, she looked up to find the leather-clad super hero of Paris, sitting on her banister... 'right on time' she mentally noted

"Hello Princess, whatchya reading?"

"Oh, hey Chat. Our school is putting on a play for Parents Day, so I'm just looking over the script"

"Sounds cool... which play?"

"Snow White and The Seven Dwarves"

"Ah... so does my Princess get to play the lead of THE Princess?"

"... Your Princess?" Chat smiled that corny grin that made Marinette want to both cringe and giggle at the same time. *sigh* "no... they haven't handed out parts yet, just the scripts"

"Are you going to try out?"

"I... I don't know... maybe... we'll see..."

"You should totally try out, you already look it... hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood.."

"Chat Noir, are you checking me out?" She asked with a smirk.

"Wh-WHAT?! NO! You know I only have eyes for My Lady, no, I was just quoting the basic characteristics of Snow White, I mean, yeah your pretty, and all, it's just..." he was cut off by her giggling, which caused the deep blush on his face to dissipate, leaving behind an amused smirk "ha ha, very funny"

"I'm sorry, you just look so cute when you're blushing" she giggled out

"Oh? Who's checking out who now, huh?" She lightly punched his his shoulder "Ow"

"Oh stop it you big baby, that didn't hurt... as for the play... I don't know, I mean, I love the movie, growing up it was one of my favorites, I'd go around singing the songs, or at least try to... I was little, so I couldn't always pronounce all of the words properly"

"Really now?"

"Yeah, actually, the only song I actually knew was the Wishing Well song" she giggled "I don't know how he did it, but whenever I'd get to the male role, my dad would pop up out of nowhere, get down on one knee and sing to me... it didn't matter where we were, he would stop what he was doing and make sure my Prince always answered. And when my mom was around..." more giggles "she would be the echo in the well, promising that my dream would come true"

"Wow, you sound like you have a really nice family Princess" his eyes and smiled softened at the girl in front of him

"Yeah, they really are..."

"So, you like to sing huh? Think you could bring out woodland creatures to your balcony Princess?"

"...No Chat, I'm not singing"

"Aw, common Princess... please?" Cue kitten eyes

"Nope, nu-uh, no way, no how, not happening..."

"All Princesses do it..."

"And all THOSE Princesses live in the forest... i live in the City."

"Gisselle was in the City"

"And all she attracted was pigeons, rats and bugs... I don't think so"

"I'm not gonna stop until you do" he sing-song teased

"Then your gonna stay here till you transform" she sang back. He sat back on her banister

"Your no fun..." he pouted with crossed arms. She giggled again

"To be honest, I actually haven't sang since I was little, I don't even know if I know all the words anymore." They sat there in silence for a few minutes, staring out at the beautiful Parisian view. "*sigh* honestly, I just hope Chloe doesn't get the lead, she'd just rub it in everyone's face, especially my own" Chat laughed

"Yeah, I can see that, although to be honest, I don't think you'll have to worry about her, she'd probably be better as the wicked Queen" Marinette laughed

"You've met her like, what, 3 times?"

"Hey, you don't know my alter-ego"

"Don't have to..."

"For all you know we could be best friends" Chat internally cringed at the very thought

"Hardly, the only friend Chloe actually has, is Sabrina, well... that and Adrien" she sighed, which caught the cats attention


"Yeah, Adrien... fortunately he's not in Drama class, he'd make a perfect Prince" Chat choked on air


"What?" Marinette looked into his shock filled eyes

"That model boy, right? I mean, sure he's handsome but.."

"Are you kidding? He's gorgeous!" She turned to stare out on her city as she sighed

"Ye-yeah but... I thought... I thought you didn't like him" she whipped her head back around

"What?! Why wouldn't I like him?"

"Well its just... you never talk to him, you stutter around him, you..."

"Wait, how do you know that? Do... DO YOU GO TO MY SCHOOL?!"

"... I plead the 5th" Marinette blinked dumbfoundedly, then burst into laughter

"Chat... that's America... we're in Paris" chat turned his head to hide his blush

"You know what I mean" he mumbled

"Well, even if you do go to my school... yes, I like him... a lot..." he peeked at her from the corner of his eye and saw her brush a strand of her hair out of her blush covered face "it's like you said... I stutter around him because I can barely think around him... I don't talk to him because, well, I stutter, and blabber, and am so afraid of embarrassing myself in front of him... see... Chat, what's wrong?" He was staring at her, mouth agap, completely shell-shocked

"N-nothing... wow... i... I had no idea..." he stared at her for a moment longer before he cleared his throat "well, I, I should probably be heading home now... thanks for the talk, and... try for the lead... I still stand by my previous statement... you'd make a purrfect Princess"

"Chat, leave now before I get the spray bottle" Chat raised his hands in surrender

"Alright, alright, no need to get fiesty. See ya Princess" then he jumped from roof to roof through the Parisian city.

Marinette snuck back into her room, and crawled into bed

"You know" the little Kawami began as she floated up to her charges face "I have to agree with Chat... you would make a pretty good Snow White" Marinette groaned

"I don't know Tikki, there are plenty of others more qualified, and probably better actors then me..."

"Marinette, you can do anything you set your mind on... you're strong, and talented, pretty, and good... don't ever doubt yourself for a minute, got it?"

"Yeah Tikki, I got it" she yawned "it's 3am, we'll deal with it tomorrow, goodnight Tikki"

"Goodnight Marinette"

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