Chapter 7 - It Sounds Like A Crush

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Over the next few days, Adrien watched as Marinette began to go back to normal. He smiled at the thought that their secret talk could have actually helped his friend, but at that thought, he remembered the kiss and he absent-mindedly lifted his hand to his cheek as he began to blush slightly. He had forgotten what he and Plagg had talked about that night until moments like these, and his smile faltered a little when he realized what he was doing 

"Hey Adrien... what's wrong?" 

Startled, Adrien turned to see Marinette standing beside him, hands folded behind her back, with a small, REAL smile on her face... he loved that smile "*eh-um* Marinette, hi"

"Hi" the girl then sat down beside him "so... are you gonna tell me what's wrong?"

"Wh-what? What do you mean?"

"Adrien, common, don't lie to me... you keep smiling, but then it's like, you catch yourself and you start to frown, like you don't want to smile or something... is everything okay?" 

His hand felt like it had just caught fire when she laid hers on of it, and he felt the blush continue to grow on his face 

"you know you can tell me, right? We're friends... did something happen?"

"I uh... guess you could say that..."

"Is it work?"

"Kinda... it's related to it anyhow..."

"What's going on?"

"Well... I kinda have this secret, second job... that's all I can say about it though, I mean, my own father doesn't even know about it" 

she nodded in understanding. 

He sighed and continued "during this job, I met this... amazing girl, sweet as can be, and, well, we kinda became best friends... we joke together, we laugh together, we've cried together... but then, a few days ago..." he paused, noticing how uncomfortable Marinette was starting to look, he suddenly remembered the actual reason SHE had been the one crying just days before "i-I'm sorry Mari, we don't have to talk about this if it's upsetting you" 

she looked shocked that he had caught her, she sighed "Adrien... it's okay... I mean, I was the one who asked"

"But, I don't want you to be sad again" 

she smiled "Don't worry... I'm fine" she took a deep breath and pushed some of her hair behind her ear "so... a few days ago?" 

He sighed, there was just no getting over how selfless she really was "A few days ago... I was with her, helping her with a personal issue, then... she kissed me" 

Mari's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide "Wh-what?" she sounded shocked, then Adrien realized that... he may have phrased that wrong

"nononono... It wasn't like that..." he rushed "I don't think she likes me that way, it was just a peck on the cheek, more of a 'thank you' gesture than anything" 

Mari let out a breath in relief, and Adrien couldn't help but chuckle in his head "Okay, so... what's the problem? Is she the girl you were going to confess to?" 

Adrien held his head in his hands "See, that's the problem... she's not."

"Then what's the problem? If the kiss meant nothing... why do you look so distressed?"

"The problem is that... when she kissed me... my heart paused. My cheek was so warm where she had kissed it... even five hours later, when I was finally home and in bed, I could still feel it... and now every time I think about it, my cheek burns with the ghost of her lips, and I can't help but to touch the spot and smile... but, I'm in love with Lad-e-I mean, someone else... my coworker, if you would... I just... I'm so confused"

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