Chapter 20 - That's How You Know

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"Hey Adrien..."

"Yes Mari?" His head shot up from his book the moment he heard her voice

"I was... i was wondering if I... i-if I could talk with you... a-alone..."

"SURE" he stated a little too enthusiastically, as he hurriedly shoved his books back into his bag, and the two left the library and headed out towards the park. 

They walked for a while in silence, side by side, both avoiding the others gaze... the silence was getting to him 

"sooo... what's up?"

"Oh, um..." 

They had walked to the middle of the park, standing under the great oak tree 

"well... how... h-how well do you know..." she hesitated a moment, still avoiding her eyes "Chat Noir?" She whispered, like she was afraid someone would overhear them. 

His eyes widened "Oh, uuh..."

"I mean... what... wh-what all has he told you... about... me..." 

man, it was good he had such great hearing, she kept getting quieter and quieter... maybe they shouldn't have come somewhere so public. "Everything" he whispered back. 

Still looking to the ground, her eyes widened as she felt the blush reach up to her ears "O-oh..."

"Is there something wrong with that?" He asked, gently taking her hand in one of his, while the other gently lifted her chin to look her in the eyes. 

Her jaw dropped as she looked into his eyes... "N-no, i guess... why weren't you at the school?"

Well... that caught him off guard "Come again?"

"Last rehearsal... I know I saw you there... why weren't you there when..."

"When... FairyGodmother attacked you?" He finished. 

She paused, then nodded, biting her bottom lip. 

He sighed. "You know my father... he's so over protective... he actually has Nathalie keep track of all akuma... whenever an attack occurs, the Gorilla usually pulls up to pick me up..." technically true...

"So... you went home then?"

"... Yeah..." 

she sighed "So... what, wh-what did Chat say wh-when he..."

"When he?"

"When he... came to your... house?" 

Adrien blushed "Oh, uh... he uh... he told me that... th-that one of our friends had gotten hit, and that she was put under a sleeping spell, and that she was the only one who could possibly know where Ladybug was, and that... his intentions were good... to wake her up and ask her about Ladybug, but then... he saw her, like it was the very first time... she was so beautiful, his heart had skipped, his breath caught, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her if he tried... and when he actually kissed her, he saw fireworks. It was at that moment, he knew, that he was in love... o-or at least, that's what Chat told me" his grin was too big, he was scratching the back of his neck nervously... 

he's hiding something...

"Did he tell you who it was?" Marinette eyed him suspiciously. 

He tensed.... he knows "Wh-what? No, o-of course not... I didn't even hear y-you'd been hit until the next day" 


"Then how did you know it was me?" She whispered. 

His eyes widened, 

True Love's Kiss - A Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz