Chapter 11 - FairyGodmother Part 1

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It was Saturday, and the first dress rehearsal. 

Adrien arrived with minutes to spare. 

He raced through the locked up school, through the hallways and into the auditorium. 

"Made it!" He gasped out as he suddenly stopped beside Nino.

"Dude, where you been? Everyone's already getting into costume... you better hurry" he pushes the boy over to the coat rack of costumes. 


Once in costume, Chloe attacks him from behind, demanding that they go over their lines together. He's looking over the script when he hears a sweet giggle... he knows that giggle... Chloe is still reciting her part, but he doesn't hear a word... he's glancing around, looking for the owner of the giggle, he spots her, she-

"ADRIEN!" Chloe hits him on the shoulder with her book. He whips around "Finally... I've been calling. Your name, for, like, forever, it's your turn to read" 

he hears the giggle again, he whips around noticing for the first time that she's not alone... a fire burns from the inside

"Sorry Chloe" he states seriously as he sits his book down without looking away from the giggling girl "there's something I have to take care of real quick" he could hear her throwing her usual fit... he could hear her, but he didn't care, all he cared about at the moment was that Marinette was down on her knees, helping Nathaniel with his Princes' costume, while she giggled at something he said... Tomato-boy (as Adrien decided to call him) was blushing from head to toe as he looked down at the girl adjusting his suite... everyone knew he had a crush on Mari, even the girl herself...

'everyone says he likes me'... 

he paused in his steps... he couldn't move... all he could do was watch the girl as she moved from his vest to his belt... she was smiling as she read her lines while working... 

'he's great, and true, and he helps me with my lines for the play'... 

tomato said something, she paused, looked up at him, and then burst into a fit of laughter... 

'and makes me laugh'... 

Adrien could feel the jealousy building... there was no way... 'There's no way I pushed her into the arms of tomato head!' he started walking again, a little faster this time...


(A few hours earlier)

"Tikki... I had the strangest dream last night... Chat was here, and, we were talking... I told him I was thinking about giving up on Adrien..."

"Um, Marinette-"

"But that's crazy talk, I mean... like I could actually give up on him..."


"Then he started saying that I actually shouldn't give up on him, but I said I was having feelings for someone else..." 

Tikki decided to just let the girl rant... it was obvious she was on a roll and wouldn't stop until the "dream" was over 

"then I started describing Chat... to CHAT! Like I have feelings for him or something... then I felt so confused and started crying because I was looking at Chat, and thinking about Adrien... and Chat... trying to compare them or something, can you believe that? Comparing dream boy to tease boy?" 

Tikki sighed 

"but the thing is... even though he was telling me not to give up, he held me while I cried... he picked me up, Princess-style, he hummed this really pretty lullaby I'd never heard before, and stared at my face, with what looked like a mixture of awe, despair, and guilt on his face... I don't know why he needed to feel guilty though..." 

True Love's Kiss - A Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora