Chapter 5 - I'm In Love With Him Chat

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Chat burst into laughter "awe, common Princess... it may have been surprising before, but we can laugh about it now, right? I mean... it was just a joke, right?"

"Surprising? Try embarrassing, humiliating, infuriating, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole right there" Mari stated as she fell back into the lawn chair, pulled her knees to her chest and dropped her head into her folded arms "I can't believe she did that"

"But it was just a joke... right?"

"Did you SEE his face?" she asked seriously, looking him in the eye

"Ehe, um... yeah, sure, he looked like-"

"A deer in headlights... Chat, he was mortified... what am I going to do? He'll probably never want to see me again..."

"Hey, I wouldn't go that far..." he tried to defend

"But it's true... isn't it? I mean what if it were you?" 

This caught the boy off guard, but he quickly bounced back "Ah, well... if it were me... I'd probably have looked like a deer caught in headlights" he grinned while scratching the back of his neck "then after the shock wore off, I'd laugh about it... it was just a joke after all, right Princess?" 

Marinette sat with her knees to her chest as she stared at the floor 


She didn't move 


She shook her head 


"You just don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"Get... It... Anything... you think she just came up with 'have three kids and a hamster' all on her own? Those are MY dreams... got it? She wasn't trying to make a joke, she was trying to play matchmaker, so that... so... that my dream could come true..."

"Your dream?" 

Mari stood and walked over to the balcony, staring out into the city below as she sighed 


"I'm... I... I'm in love with him Chat... I'm in love with Adrien Agreste... I'm so hopelessly, completely, madly and utterly in love with him" she turned to look at her friend and noticed that he had suddenly become sickly pale, his eyes were bulged, and his jaw was dropped "Chat? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Wha- I mean, h-how long?" 

She turned her face to the side as a slight blush claimed her cheeks "The very first day of school"

"WHAT?! B-but, I thought you hated him, you know, after the whole gum incident..."

"Oh? So now, not only do you go to my school, but you're in my homeroom class?" She asked with a smirk. 

He gulped "Don't tell My Lady"

"Wouldn't dream of it Kitty" she rolled her eyes with a smile "and to answer your question, you're right, I didn't like him... at first. But then he showed me how kind he could really be, and I started to see him in a new light..."

"Why haven't you said anything?"

"Have you not seen me when he's around? I can't even for a coherent sentence around him... 'ugh' 'I' 'uh'... seriously, I must sound like a total idiot to him"

"Hey, common, you never know, maybe he thinks it's cute"

"*Pft* hardly, but thanks for trying" 

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