Chapter 16 - I Won't Say I'm In Love

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Marinette hit the snooze on her alarm... she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night after Chat had left her alone on her balcony. Her mind had been racing the whole time. 

She groaned as she threw her arm over her eyes and sighed "I. Love. Adrien. I do, and, if you love someone, then... you shouldn't want to love someone else, right? So... why is it, that when ever I close my eyes... I see green eyes, disheveled hair and black leather? Why do I feel like I want to be wrapped in his arms again? Why do I wish he wouldn't have left so soon? Why... why won't my heart, just, slow down? W-why is it that whenever I try to think of Adrien... I think of Chat?" 

Tikki placed her tiny hand on top of her girl's "Marinette, it'll be okay. You're hearts just... confused"

"Why would my heart be confused?" She moved her arm to look over to her tiny friend

"Well... think about it... you like this boy, but he's never noticed you... not really... then your best friend, one you'd even trust with your life, comes to you and tells you that he's IN love with you... and... you know... he wasn't exactly far off with the whole... the only way to wake you up ordeal..." 

Marinette's eyes widened "What do you mean?" 

Tikki grinned nervously "... true loves... kiss?" 

Mari sat straight up, rushed to get out of bed and began to pace "No... no, no no... nonononononononono.... no, it CAN'T be true"

"Marinette. Marinette calm down, this is a good thing" 

The girl stopped in her tracks and spun on her heels "How is... THIS... a GOOD THING?!" 

Tikki floated over to her charges side "Marinette?" 

Said girl began pacing again "I mean... true loves kiss... that's only in fairy tales, but, the Akuma MADE me a fairy tale, I mean, she made me Snow White, and Adrien was nowhere to be found, then Chat came instead, and he STILL doesn't know I'm his partner, or at least... I hope he doesn't... a-anyway, you're telling me that the only way I could have woken up was to be kissed by true love, and since Chat woke me, th-then that would make him... my true..." 

Tikki nodded 

"b-but... it can't... I CAN'T love him... I... a-already gave my heart to Adrien...and what about Ladybug? He said he still loves her"

"But Marinette, you ARE Ladybug"

"I know that, but HE doesn't... to him, they're just two different girls he proclaims to love... and... he told ME not to give up on Adrien... which is weird, I mean, why would a guy that likes you, tell you NOT to give up on your crush? I mean... who DOES that? I mean, it's almost like he..." she paused, cutting herself short, 

Tikki perked up, flying closer to her charge "Almost like he, what, Marinette?"

"I-its like, he... knows him... somehow... I mean, yeah, I know that he KNOWS him... Chat's told me plenty of times, plus the fact that he was AT Adrien's the other day... but... do you suppose that maybe they could be, like, I don't know, best friends or something? I don't know... Tikki I'm so confused" she fell into her computer chair with her face in her hands. 

Tikki deflated with a sigh, then, seeing that the girl was too overworked to even THINK about getting ready, she picked up a light comb and started combing through Mari's bedhead. The soothing motion helped to calm Marinette down a notch. 

As Tikki worked to put her hair into her usual pigtails, Mari sighed "he goes to my school... we have class together... he's never been akumatized, he was always with me fighting them... who could he be?... do you think he's... related... to Adrien? Maybe? I mean, it's not like Chat could be his brother, Adrien's an only child, I know... I checked... so... a cousin maybe, or maybe... " 

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