Chapter 18 - A Long Overdue Hug

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"Alright class, I'd like for everyone to line up, single file, as we have a guest speaker today. Please refrain from bringing any extra bags or your phones as each of you will possibly be having your hands full, and the last thing we need is for anyone to lose anything... Everyone please leave your things where they are, and head the the main courtyard." 

Marinette's hand shot up "Uh, Miss, may I use the restroom real quick, please?" 

The teacher sighed "Alright, but please hurry. Last one out, please lock the door so we won't have any concerns about theft" she narrowed her eyes at Chloe and Lila who both looked like they hadn't even noticed she was even in the room. 

Marinette ran out the door. Then everyone else rose from their seats and lined up, heading to the Courtyard. 

"Adrien? Aren't you coming?" 

Adrien raised his phone, a sheepish smile on his lips "I'll be there in a moment, I have to text Nathalie to tell her I won't have my phone" 

The teacher sighed again "Alright, but please hurry and meet us there." Then she walked out the door. 

The moment she was gone, Adrien rushed to look into his bag, finding Plagg fast asleep. Adrien sighed as he began to poke at the chaotic-being. "Plagg, Plagg wake up"

"No" Plagg growled as he batted away the nagging finger of his charge

"Plagg, common, we have to go"

"Go awaaay, I'm sleepiiing"

"I'm being serious here Plagg, I can't bring my bag, common" Adrien held his overshirt open.

Plagg peeked one eye open "Is there an Akuma?" 

Adrien looked taken aback "No..." 

Plagg rolled back onto his side, closing his eyes as he snuggled back into his sleeping position "Then go away. If there's no Akuma attacking, then shoo. I'm tired and I'm not sleeping in your stupid shirt. You'll be fine. If there's an attack, you know where to find me"


"Too tired" 

well that was a shock, Plagg NEVER refused the dreaded cheese

"But Plagg-" 

Plagg let out a growl as he whipped his head to face the boy, tired eyes snapping open "Look Kid, your stupid dream went and kept me up all night, so, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you just left and let me sleep" he glared up at the boy.

'What does he mean, MY dream kept him up all night? Was I talking in my sleep?'

"*pft*stupidkiddidn'tevenkissthegirl" Plagg mumbled as he snuggled back onto his side

"I'm sorry, what?" 

Plagg didn't respond, just raised his paw to motion for the boy to zip the bag. 

Adrien sighed, zipped the Kawamii in and headed for the door... "M-Marinette".


For once, she actually wasn't lying about going to the bathroom. 

On her way back to drop off her purse, Tikki had flown up to hide in her hair on her shoulder "Marinette, if it's alright with you, I'd like to stay in the room during your guest speaker" 

Mari paused her next step "What?"

"I'm sure everything will be fine, plus, there's something in the room that I'd actually like to check out. If you happen to need me, you know where to find me"

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