Chapter 24 - Play Day

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The day had finally come. 

After months of reading, memorizing and practicing the script. 

After that Disney-fanatic Akuma, and all the teasing from Alya. 

It was finally here...


Marinette jumped from her bed and rushed to the bathroom to shower, change, and get ready for the day. 

There was only ten hours till curtain call. 

Mari walked around her room as she reread the script again to be sure she knew her lines. 

She blushed at the memory of Chat practicing with her, which lead to the memory of Chat kissing her, which lead to the memory of the ball last night, which lead to the memory of their kiss... which lead to Mari spinning on her heels as she squealed like a little school girl. 

Tikki just sat on the bed smirking, watching her charge, only guessing at what could possibly be going through her girl's head. "Oh Marinette... you have got to get better control of your emotions" 

Suddenly Mari heard Tikki eep. After about five minutes of complete silence, she turned around to see what the matter was, only to come face to face with none other than Chat Noir himself, covering his mouth as if trying to stop the giggles from coming out.

"Hey Princess, what's got you in such a meow-volous mood?" 

Mari pouted before the blush became too much for her, causing her to turn around while still covering her face "Kitty... wha-wh-what are you doing here?" boy was she glad she was already ready for the day

"Well" Chat started, before she felt him wrap her into a warm embrace from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder "today's the day of the play, right? The day my Princess, BECOMES a Princess" he spoke quietly in her ear before gently kissing under her ear. 

Mari giggled. 

Chat sighed "You have no idea how badly I wish I was the Prince." 

She could hear the pout in his voice 

"then I could show the whole world, you're mine." he kissed her shoulder as her hand came up to rub through his hair. Chat purred as he tightened his hold on her, causing her to sigh in bliss.

She turned around, still in his hold, wrapped her arms around his neck and gently kissed the love of her life. "There is nothing that I would want more" she whispered back as she rested her head against his chest "unfortunately, unless you're Nathaniel, that's not the case. Which would be impossible since I do recall you fighting the Evillustrator not too long ago" she looked up at him with a smirk before flicking his bell, causing the poor boy to blush like crazy. 

Mari giggled before smiling up to the boy in black leather, gently caressing his face with her hand "Hey... you know you have nothing to worry about, right? I've already spoken with Nathaniel, and... HE actually suggested we not really kiss. He said he's been looking up different ways to make it seem like a kiss, without our lips actually touching in any way." 

Chat let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in "Oh thank goodness" he smiled as he rested his forehead on hers "to be honest, I don't know if I'd even be able to see another guy kissing you... fake or not... but... if he's not going to even come close, then... I suppose I won't have to get the claws out" he wiggled his eyebrows with a giant Cheshire grin on his face.

Marinette laughed "Chat... You're hopeless"

"-ly in love" Chat finished "with you, and only you... my lady" 

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