Chapter 9 - "ARE YOU STUPID?!"

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Plagg had been chewing him out for the last three hours...

 "... 'that's it Mari, we're getting married'... ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING? YOU KNOW SHE HAS A CRUSH ON YOU, WHY WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! I mean, I know I love Camembert, but I would NEVER tell a girl we were getting married just to eat it everyday" 

Adrien sighed "First off... she has a crush on Adrien, not Chat... second, she knew I was kidding, heck, she joked right back... besides... why does it matter what we joke about? We're friends-"

"Yes. You're friends... BUT... you do realize what exactly you sang back your her, right?" 

Adrien hung his head 

"ONE love... you called her your ONE love..."

"Don't be ridiculous, I was just finishing-"

"Didn't you specifically learn that song to impress a certain someone?"

"...myLady" Adrien mumbled

"And yet... you sang it for Marinette... doesn't that tell you anything?"

"I-i-it didn't MEAN anything... I-i was just-"

"Did you learn it for it to mean something?"

"Well... yes..."

"Then obviously it did... heck Kid... you KISSED HER HAND... did you NOT see the blush on her cheeks? Or hear her catch her breath? Or notice how her eyes become as wide as a wheel of cheese? Whether you meant to or not, you didn't just sing to her... you sang TO her, whether wanted or not, you touched her heart, and now... she's going to be all confused about having feelings for TWO boys... or at least, that's what she thinks... its going to break her heart... tear her apart... you're literally HURTING the girl... and you're OKAY with that?" Plagg interrupted

"Of course not!"Adrien flared back "why in the world would I want to hurt her? She's my best friend... If anything, it's the total opposite... I want to PROTECT her, keep her safe, never let ANYONE hurt her, destroy anyone who DARES touch her, and shatter anyone who even CONSIDERS making her cry!" He was furious, there was a fire in his eye he'd never had before as he thought about her beautiful smile being wiped away from heartbreak

"... why?"Plagg asked after a few seconds

"What?" Adrien was taken aback by the question. 

Plagg sighed "Kid... she's not yours... I get that a friend wouldn't want another friend to get hurt... but... seriously? You'd destroy them?... now I may not be an expert on humans, I mean, I am only three-thousand years old" he rolled his eyes "but... isn't that something a suitor would say?" Plagg floated up to look at the boy's face, who currently was trying to hide his embarrassment. Plagg sighed as he pinched the brim of his nose "do you love her?"

"I love Ladybug" Adrien replied solemnly without looking up. 

Plagg shook his head "That's not what I asked... do you, Adrien Agreste, love Marinette?" 

Adrien tried to hide the blush that had started to grow on his cheeks "N-no, it's just.. I mean I-i..." he stammered

"Look Kid, your going to have to figure this out... even if she doesn't know you're you, you do, and honestly, I hate seeing my Kittens hurt, which is exactly what's going to happen if you don't figure this out... trust me, I've seen it countless times before..." 

Adrien didn't say a word, he just stood there, head down, thinking over what Plagg had just said. 

"You don't have to decide right now, but... you need to figure this out soon. I'm going to bed... and don't even think about waking me up to transform tonight unless there's an Akuma... you visited with her all day... let me, and HER, sleep... night"

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