Chapter 13 - FairyGodmother part 3/Where Is That Stupid Cat?!

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"CHAT!" Ladybug had been walking around the school looking for her partner "CHAT!" She called out again

"LADYBUG!" he ran into hug her "I've been searching everywhere" he pulled back, holding her at arms length to look her in the eye "where have you been?"

'Oh you know, I got struck by the Akuma, fell into a death-like sleep, was waiting for Prince charming but instead I apparently got waken up by a dumb cat... oh, and, where YOUR realization came AFTER the kiss broke during Dark Cupid, mine came back mid-kiss when you were about to pull away, and STUPID me, thought you were Adrien, so I kissed you back... yeah right... like I could tell him that' "I'm sorry I took so long, I misplaced Tikki during all the commotion, and had to track her down so I could transform again... wait... what happened to you?" She took note of all the cuts. Scrapes and bruises on her partner, then she looked down to his hand clutching the wand "Chat? Why do you have the Akuma?" 

Chat scratched the back of his neck "Well...-"

"I don't want to know..." she sighed as she pinched the brim of her nose "just hand it over so we can purify it" she held her hand out. Chat handed her the cursed weapon, and Ladybug noticed how he seemed to slightly perk up more the moment it was out of his claws... he had to have been holding it for at least an hour... "you okay there Chat?"

"Never better m'Lady" he grinned, Ladybug eyed him with a bit of concern... she took the wand, and broke it

"no more evil doing for you little Akuma... bye bye pretty butterfly" the two watched as the snow white butterfly fluttered away into the Parisian sky. Ladybug smiled as she held her hand out again. 

Chat stared at her hand, then her face "Uhhh...."

"You have the Lucky Charm, right?"


"Seriously?" She deadpanned as she dropped her arm

"Hey, that stuff seriously stinks" he cringed. 

Ladybug face-palmed "Okay, okay... do you at least know where it is?"

"Ah, THAT I do m'Lady... it's with FairyGodmother" he grinned his biggest Chester grin. 

Ladybug just sighed as she shook her head "Common, let's go... I can't fix Paris without it" 


They walked out of the school to where they found Alex, still dressed as Jane, literally sitting on FairyGodmother's stomach, Kim standing beside her ,trying to explain that that's NOT how babysitting works, and how his dad was going to kill him for letting this happen, pinching the brim of his nose. 

Chat tried to hold back a chuckle "Uh... Alex? What are you doing?"

 Alex looked over to see Ladybug and Chat Noir coming towards them "Akumasitting" she stated simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Um... Alex..."Ladybug began "that's not exactly how that works"

"I know, but the Rugrat... put me in a dress... not just a dress, oh no, a big. Poofy. Yellow. Ballroom dress with long underwear... if you think I'm giving her any chance of getting up, you're greatly mistaken... and Jane ain't even a PRINCESS!" 

Ladybug sighed... again "Okay, fine... she's still asleep then?"


"Great.. the Akuma's been cleaned, but I still need to toss my Lucky Charm... you two haven't seen it, have you?"

"Hm? You mean this?" 

Chat hissed as Kim handed the ladybug printed canister to Ladybug

"Yes, Thank you" she thanked Kim as he handed it off to her. 

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