Chapter 14 - "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

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The thunder rolled as Adrien was sitting at his desk, when he suddenly heard a knock on his window, he spun around "Ladybug?" He jumped up to open the windows "what are you doing here? I thought I already saw you taking Patrol, like, hours ago" 

Ladybug, soaked to the bone shivered as she tried to catch her breath "I wasn't..." she took a deep breath "I wasn't on patrol" she winced as she landed inside his room

"But... you're out of breath, you're exhausted, and you're hurt, was... was there an Akuma attack?" His eyes widened

"No. No there wasn't any Akumas tonight"

"Then, why-"

"I was out trying to find Chat when it started to sprinkle, I didn't really think much of it, so I kept going, but so did the rain. The drops kept getting bigger and falling faster and harder... it got to the point where I actually couldn't see in front of me... I, uh... I guess I kinda misjudged one of the poles I was aiming for and fell between two buildings... I slipped as I landed though, and, kinda twisted my ankle a little"

"Are you... are you okay?" He asked as he handed her a clean towel he had recently sat on the back of his chair for his next shower, true concern filled in his eyes. 

She let out a calming breath "Yeah... thanks" a moment of silence passed between them until

"Wait, you were out looking for Chat?... why?"

"I... he hasn't shown himself since the last attack... it's been five days, Adrien... what if there was an Akuma tonight? I couldn't have handled it on my own, I-"

"Of course you could've... heck, you probably don't even really need hi-"

"Don't you DARE finish that sentence" she glared as she pointed her finger at him "Chat and I are partners... we're a team... I need him like he needs me, I can't do what I do without him"


"Why are you so against Chat anyway? Like honestly, that's the one trait in you that I actually DON'T like" her hands flew to cover her mouth as she ran backwards a few steps at the realization of what she had just said, both pairs of eyes widened. The silence was deafening.

Adrien cleared his throat "In me?" Adrien began stalking towards her "what do you mean, a trait you DON'T like in me?" 

She gulped "N-nothing" she took another step back

"It didn't sound like nothing, in fact, it almost sounded like you were saying... that you like me" another step closer

"Wh-what? Wh-why would I say something like that?" Another step back

"That was my question" another step closer. 

She gulped, she could feel the beads of sweat roll down the back of her neck. She sighed in defeat, he paused, she looked back up to him, determination blazing in her eyes "I..." 'what am I doing? I can't confess... like this, but I've already started, I can't back out now... but I also can't tell him that LADYBUG has a crush on him, maybe I should-' "Marinette is in love with you" she rushed out 'ARE YOU INSANE?! HOW IS THIS ANY BETTER?!'


"Oh... just, OH?!" 'Calm down Mari, let's take it easy and-' suddenly they were interrupted by the tell tale ringing of a pair of miraculous earrings 'crap' "um, uh... I should-"

"No Wait!" he ran to grab her arm, she looked at him in surprise "please, just... not yet..." he looked like a sad puppy seeing her leave

"Adrien... I'm about to transform, I have to-"

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