Chapter 21 - An Unexpected Invitation

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The little bell above the door jingled as he pressed it forwards 


"Adrien my boy! Good to see ya!" Tom called as he wiped his hands on his apron, coming out from behind the counter to properly greet the boy with a giant bear hug

"Hello Mr. Dupain... is Mari home?"

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, you just missed her" Sabine answered from behind the register

"Oh, I see" Adrien deflated

"Is there anything we can help you with?" Sabine asked

"N-no, not really Mrs. Cheng"

"Sabine is fine dear" she stated with a smile, handing Adrien a mini quiche.

"And you can call me Tom. We're family now! With you dating my daughter, there's no need for formalities." 

Adrien choked on his quiche with wide eyes "Wh-what? M-Marinette and I are not dating"

"Isn't that why you're here?" Tom asked, one eyebrow raised. 

Adrien's jaw dropped to the floor, as Sabine came out from behind the counter

"Tom, you'll send the poor boy into shock" she stated as she playfully slapped her husband's arm. 

Tom laughed as he scratched the back of his head "Eheheh, sorry"

"Forgive him Adrien, he's just really excited that such a nice young man has taken an interest in our little girl" Sabine smiled.

"Wh-wh-what? I-uh"

"There's no need to be embarrassed dear. We respect our daughter, and trust that she will make the right decision when the time arrives. Just as we trust you. Adrien, we already love you like a son, and you are ALWAYS welcome here. No matter what time of day or night, we welcome you with open arms" she handed him a fresh croissant as she continued "Adrien, dear, whether you want to tell her the truth today, or later, please know that we support you one-hundred percent." 

Tom placed a large hand on his wife's shoulder as he added "Also, we know our daughter, inside and out. We know everything. So with that in mind, please try to remember... her first answer... don't take it so serious. She'll come around. She may be a little confused at first, but deep down inside, we know how she really feels."

"And if she's anything like I was as a girl,"

"Which she is" Tom added

"Then eventually her true feelings will win over. Just... promise us, that, no matter what, you won't give up on her." Sabine's asked with pleading eyes. 

Adrien sighed "I couldn't give up on her if I tried" suddenly Adrien felt a large hand land on his shoulder. 

He looked up to see Tom and Sabine gently smiling at him, their eyes sparkling like the stars at night. 

Adrien smiled at the loving pair, then Sabine handed him a to-go bag. His eyes widened, yet again

"For later. You said Camembert was his favorite, right?" Adrien looked from the bag

"Uh, y-yeah, I love Camembert" he smiled/laughed awkwardly as he scratched his neck.

"So anyway" Tom clapped his large hands together "are you going to ask her out?"

"Tom" Sabine laughed

"What? It's an honest question" Tom shrugged. 

Even if the conversation was, awkwardly, about him and Marinette, he couldn't help smiling at the true example of love before him

True Love's Kiss - A Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें