Chapter 4 - Script Practice

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Marinette had just sat down on her balcony. Tikki was snug in bed after the hour long solo patrol, so Mari decided to take her studying outside. It was about 11pm when suddenly the City lights were blocked. Mari looked up to none other than...

"Hey Chat, what are you doing here? Didn't Ladybug already do patrol?"

"Well... yeah... I just... needed to clear my mind, ya know?" 

She giggled "Yeah, I know"

"*So, whatchya got there?" He smirked. 

She lifter the book to show him the cover "Practicing my script" she smiled. 

Chat's ears perked up "Oh, well then, maybe I could help you" he grinned

"You? Help me?" 

He held out his hand "Just give me the book Princess" 

She obliged and handed him the book. 

He flicked through the pages and cleared his throat "my beautiful Princess, I'm sorry, I cannot comply with the thoughts of the wicked queen. For she has told me to take your life, but alas, how could I possibly kill the most beautiful creature in the world? Look here, I shall take the heart of a beast to the queen, you however, my fair Princess, flee, run into the forest, for I would rather suffer her wrath a hundred times, than to have harm come to a single hair on your head." 

Marinette giggled "Are you trying to impress me or something?"

"What gave me away?" He asked with a smirk

"That is not what it says"

"So I improvised... doesn't the beautiful princess have a reply?" 

She rolled her eyes as he handed her the book "Thank you good man, I will forever be thankful for what you've done." 

Chat started to slow-clap 


"That was beautiful Princess"

"It was just one line"

"Ah, but you said it so well" he grinned

"Yeah, well... your part is done now, so... see ya"

"What? You're kicking me out?" 

She giggled "I can go over the rest myself, thank you."she winked

"But what about the other guy parts, like the dwarves, or the Prince?"

"The Prince doesn't have any lines silly cat, and as for the dwarves, I'd say your best bet..." she thought for a minute "Dopey"

"*scoff* rude" Chat pouted with his arms crossed. 

Mari giggled at the sight. "Go on kitty, I need to be heading to bed soon anyway" 

Chat sighed "Alright, fine. Don't want you to be running late to class again"

"Annnd, you pretty much just confirmed that you DO go to my school" she smirked


"How else could you know that I'm always late to class since I've never told you?" She winked.

He blushed "Eh, cats out of the bag I guess... curious?" He smirked

"Hardly, although if you start cracking those ridiculous puns in civilian form... I may just have to call Ladybug and tell her you're compromising your alter-ego" 

He thought for a minute "If it'd mean I get to see My Lady as a civilian... I may just take you up on that offer Princess" he winked

"You're unbelievable" she teased "and I was being serious, it's already 3am, I need to go to bed... so do you if you really do go to my school... no need for both of us to run late tomorrow. Night Kitty."

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