Chapter 33 - If I Never Knew You

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Ladybug SQUEALED as she jumped out of the way, a split second before the white Chat's Cataclysm brushed right through her spot.

She didn't fight him, but she DID defend herself... 

This was not her Kitty... Her Kitty would NEVER openly attack an actual person, let alone HER... She HAS to save him... But... Try what she could, she STILL can't figure out WHERE his Akuma is...

"CHAT, LISTEN TO ME!" She jumped just before he could reach her "PLEASE!!!"

She was openly crying as she spun her yo-yo to form a shield, while jumping out of his reach, and STILL refusing to fight back...

Hawkmoth laughed, good and hard "You foolish bug. Did you really think you could break through to him? I admit your foolishness is unlike any I've ever seen before... I must say... out of all my Akuma, Chat Blanc is my Best One Yet! In fact, I don't know why I never thought of it before... all those previous Akuma took to possessing phony objects my... assistance were holding... Queen Wasp... Volpina... Grafitempo... all good, but not good enough. Your puny little attempt to finding an Akuma is POINTLESS... unless you're willing to take his life..."


"Give It UP Ladybug. Soon your Miraculous will lose power, then you'll transform BACK into yourself, leaving you Completely Defenseless against My GREATEST PROTÉGÉ YET!!!"


"IT'S TOO LATE, LADYBUG! YOUR... Untimely Death, seems to have... Darkened his heart"

Hawkmoth laughed lowly as the fight continued

"Wh-WAH! what?"

Ladybug used her yo-yo to hook and swing up into the rafters, giving her a quick, two minute breather, before Blanc would realize where she was... 

Darken his heart... Why would Hawkmoth use THOSE exact words before laughing like a movie maniac... Darken his heart...

"WAH!!!" Ladybug jumped just in time to avoid his still glowing purple hand...

However, he instead hit the rafter, sending both himself AND Ladybug fumbling to the ground... Blanc landing in a crouch, Ladybug falling on her back.

"Oww" She cried as she began to sit up, rubbing her back as she rose "GAH!!!"

She rolled away just in time to miss Blanc's glowing hand


"THAT would be MY Doing" Hawkmoth grinned maliciously "In making him my Akuma... I have Polluted his Very SOUL! NEVER Has there Ever Been An Akuma Quite So Powerful... and to think... all I had to do was bypass materialism" He laughed again

Ladybug shivered in disgust (MAN he gave her the creeps) as she fought against her partner... Against her best friend... Against her new boyfriend... Against her tears... She fought, but she never attacked.

She could never forgive herself if she hurt him... 

... There HAS To Be Something She Can DO !!! She HAS To Save Him!!!

"Chat Noir... Please!!!"

"He can't hear you Ladybug. All he can hear... all he can SEE.... is YOU DYING IN HIS ARMS... it's a pain like you've never felt before, but to add in that you called for my son with your dying breath, instead of HIM... let's just say... it has him seeing red"

True Love's Kiss - A Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon