Chapter 34 - "S-SON?!"

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Tikki zoomed through the air, and into the ring. Instantly, Chat began to glow as he was lifted up into the air.

Hawkmoth watched as the dark black of the hero's suit, suddenly turned to a mix of vibrant purple and gold...

Gone were the cat ears and tail, Gone was the boots and claws, Instead, it was as if the new suit were a second skin, Covering every part of him up to the tip of his neck... Then the mask dissolved to fully reveal-


Adrien opened his eyes, glowing gold as his hair, as he was gently placed back down to the ground.

Not a word was said as he began to walk forward.

Hawkmoth began to scramble backwards in confused shock, pale as a sheet of paper...

Adrien was Chat Noir? But... How? I mean... sure, he'd had his doubts, but... Hadn't he already ruled his son out with the Gorizilla?!

He had CLEARLY saw his son running amuck the streets as he was fighting Chat Noi-

Or had he? His son... He'd been wearing a helmet! You Couldn't See His Face! His son is a super star... of COURSE There Would Be People who DRESS LIKE HIM!!!

Now that he thinks about it... Adrien and Chat Noir had never actually been in the same place at once! His son had always seemed to "disappear" right before the hero would show up... 

And when Adrien was hit by Style Queen... Chat Noir never did show, did he?...

Wait a minute... If- If Adrien was Chat Noir, th-that means- 

Suddenly every time Chat Noir was victimized, captured, or hurt came rushing through his head...

Dark Cupid, Stormy Weather, Anansi, Zombizou, The Mime, Pixelator, Dark Owl, Evillustrator, Copycat, Princess Fragrance-

He gasped.

No... How many times had he akumatized that freak with the birds?! Mr. Pigeon... HIS SON IS ALLERGIC TO FEATHERS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! And Timebreaker... He had literally nearly WIPED OUT HIS OWN SON FROM EXISTENCE !!! Bubbler... HE'D NEARLY SENT HIS SON INTO OUTER SPACE!!! Volpina... He had literally USED his own son as bait for that one girl... Not to mention, Riptose, Chameleon, Wheredad, Onichan... 

Chat Blac... HE HAD ACTUALLY, LITERALLY AKUMATIZED HIS OWN SON PERSONALLY!!! He... H-he had akumitized his Very HEART !!! He'd literally used his only son to move forward in his own goal... 

The Collector... Scarlet Moth... HE HAD ACTUALLY PERSONALLY ATTACKED HIS OWN SON ?!?!?!?! HE HAD... A-ATaacked... His... He w-was... He was... A-a-at-attacking... He was currently fighting his only son... 

He was shaking... He was shaking like a leaf as his crawl finally came to an end when his back hit the wall.

He stared, with wide, tearful eyes as his ultimate powerful son continued walking toward him... What had he done? This wasn't supposed to happen. Chat Noir wasn't supposed to be the only thing of his wife she had left to him!

Hawkmoth was supposed to win, Use the Miraculous to revive his wife, And change the world to be a better, safer place for her and his son...

His son who he had apparently neglected, Abused, Ignored, And... Oh dear Kawami, He really HAD tried to Take his own LIFE?!?!?! No... no no no no NO!!!!!!!

"Why?" Adrien finally spoke as he walked closer.

Hawkmoth gulped "I wanted... I-I wanted to revive your mother"

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