Chapter 30 - The Sanctuary

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*TRIGGER WARNING AHEAD: Mention of Suicidal Thoughts*


Ladybug's eyes were wide as Chat, still holding her like her nickname's style, gracefully landed on his feet in the middle of the bedroom, dropping his transformation as soon as he landed.

"Drop your transformation" he whispered in her ear as he gently sat her on her feet. 

Ladybug gulped as she obeyed his request, leaving a nervous Marinette to glance around the room, eyes landing on his bed... she felt a chill go up her spine

"A-Adrien, I-" 

he pressed a finger to her lips as he whispered "I'm not supposed to have guests over this late, just follow my lead and try to be as quiet as possible, okay?" he winked. 

Mari gulped again "A-Adrien- EEP!" 

Adrien suddenly grabbed her wrist "Do you trust me?" he asked. 

She gazed into his vibrant green eyes, catching her breath, she slightly nodded. 

He smiled as he began pulling her to a wall over by his bathroom. 

She blinked in confusion as he smirked over his shoulder and pushed the wall open. Marinette gaped at the sight and Adrien pulled her in. 

As quietly as they could be, Adrien pulled her through the dark hallway, down a flight of stairs, and through another hall

"H-how can you see?" she asked in amazement as she allowed him to lead her to wherever they were going. She could almost hear the smirk

"Well, I mean, I AM Chat Noir"

"Adrien" she groaned. 

He laughed "When I asked Plagg about it before, he said something about it being a side effect of being Chat Noir... before he started begging for cheese" 

she giggled as he continued pulling her down another flight of stairs. 

They continued on in silence for a moment more

"Where are we, anyway?"

"The servant's halls. They lead to every room in the mansion... how else do you think the mansion stays so clean and orderly without ever seeing any maids or servants?"

"So... how did YOU learn about them?" 

he chuckled "Father grounded me once, and I caught one of the maids off guard as I was still in my room when she tried to come in. From that time on, I've taken to learning each hall and where it leads. It's really helped me a time or two when I needed to slip out as Chat Noir and father has me on lock-down" 

she frowned as she gazed at what she assumed would be the back of his head "Does it really happen that often?" 

he was silent a moment more as the continued forward into the darkness "I know that father loves me. He's just so over protective, especially since my mom... I've been saving every paycheck since I was fourteen. I only have about two more years before I can finally move out on my own."


Adrien shook his head as they finally came to a stop before a door. "Marinette... what I'm about to show you... I've never shared with anyone else. This place... it's become a sort of a sanctuary for me, especially since my mom... well... I'll just let you see now, okay?" just then the door started opening. 

Mari covered her eyes at the sudden brightness from the room, then she let her eyes adjust "Wow" as Adrien gently pulled her more into the room. 

The floor was made of grass, there were flowers of all kinds surrounding the perimeter of the room, a large oak tree growing in the middle of the room, and all around, fluttering throughout the room, were hundreds of... 

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