Chapter 10 - I Wonder

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Ladybug had been jumping through Paris for 2 hours now.... it was her last night home alone and after Alya had left, she decided she needed to clear her head. 

She still couldn't get her conversation with Adrien out of her head and it was driving her crazy, nonononono NO... she does NOT have a crush on her partner 'I love Adrien.... ADRIEN! I! LOVE! ADRIEN!!! I DO NOT, CANNOT, WILL NOT, LOVE CHAT!!!' Why does it feel like she's trying to convince herself all of the sudden "GHAH!!!" She yelled out in frustration as she threw her yoyo to jump over a large gap between two buildings "WHY does this have to be so CONFUSING?! Why is this so HARD?!" She kept jumping, not paying much attention, just letting her feet lead the way. She landed on a tall fence post and stopped to catch her breath


She spun around to see Adrien, in his PJ's, looking up at her, wide eyed and jaw dropped 

"what are you doing out so late? Didn't Chat Noir all ready take patrol?"

"A-Adrien..." 'of course... where else would I end up?' She inwardly rolled her eyes "hi... I uh... I just... *sigh* I just... needed to clear my head..."

"Rough day?"

"more like rough week..." she rubbed the back of her neck

"What happened?" he looked genuinely concerned. 

Ladybug looked at him, then sighed 

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but... if you need someone, I'm here...we could even go sit in my father's garden if it'd make you feel better... I know how much you like flowers" 

Ladybug smiled, nodded, and jumped down, landing in front of the boy. Then the two walked over to the half-height garden maze and began their midnight stroll.


"Thanks Adrien, you were right, these flowers do make me feel a little better" she smiles as she stopped to smell a particular rose

"What's wrong?" Adrien asked with a frown as he walked up beside her

'I... sh-should I tell him?'

"Common, you can tell me"

'But it's ABOUT you'

"I promise I won't tell... or judge... no matter what"

'You're making this really hard to deny you right now'


Ladybug stared for a few seconds longer, then gave a sigh in defeat "Okay" 'great... now how am I going to get out of this one?... okay, he doesn't know I'm Marinette, just avoid specifics and it should be fine... no names, no details...'  "so... I've been in love with this boy I know, since like, the first day we met, and, I want to tell him but he's in love with someone else, so... now I'm all confused because HE thinks this other guy I know has a crush on me, and he's all like 'why wouldn't he like you?' & I'm just sitting there thinking, 'oh, I don't know, why don't you?' Then he's trying to talk this other guy up, and I swear I just want to reach through the phone and cover his mouth, and NOW I'm questioning myself, questioning him, AND questioning HIM, and now I'm just so lost and confused and there's just no way this other guy could actually LIKE me, I mean, yeah we tease each other, but he only sees me as a friend, I only see him as a friend, and yet the guy I like is so clueless and blind, like, seriously, WHY can't he just see me... I love him so much, i-i even tried helping him with HIS crush, but I mean... can he really not see how much he actually means to me? How much it hurts me to even think of him with another girl? But now he's putting these ideas of this other guy liking me in my head, and, I mean, I know he flirts with me, but... he literally does that with everyone... that's just him being him... there's no way he actually loves me, honestly, I don't know if he could ever really be serious about anyone... especially me, but that's okay, I mean, that's what makes him, him... you know?"

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