Chapter 19 - "I Haven't Dreamed About You In Two Months..."

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Ladybug zoomed through the city of lights, swinging from building to building as her thoughts ran through her discussion with Tikki earlier that day...


"They were in love" Tikki had said with a gentle smile as she remembered her earlier charge

"Okay... s-so... what you're saying is..."

"Marinette, not every Miraculous pair has ended up together, and hardly any have truly grown so close."

"Wait, are you saying that... i-I'm in love... w-with..."

"Only you can truly answer that Marinette."


Ladybug stopped in her tracks, processing the memory...

'No... n-no it CAN'T be...' she took off again 'no, no no no no NO!!!' she swung her way to the Eifle Tower, 'i CAN'T be in love with... with... THAT STUPID CAT!' And began to climb... 'what about Adrien?' She finally stopped on the top level. 

She looked out over her city. The wind, softly blowing her hair as she stood still, contemplating over her internal delima... she was so absorbed in thought that she didn't hear the slight padded thump of someone landing behind her. 

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. Startled, she grabbed said hand and forced the perpetrator onto the ground with a serious scowl on her face

"Ow... Ladybug?"

She blinked, then realized what she had just done "KITTY! OHMYGOSH, I'MSOSORRY,AREYOUOKAY?!"

"Woah, woah, easy there" Chat said calmly as he got back up onto his feet "calm down, its just me. Slow down, take a deep breath... good. Now... what's wrong?" 

She couldn't look at him... after everything that's come to light, she just couldn't... look at him... "I..." she took a deep breath "i th-think I'm-" she was going to be sick "HAVEYOUEVERHADAJOINTDREAM?!" 

Chat blinked at her, dumbfounded "A... what?"

"A joint dream, you know, where... two people have the same dream, at the same time, but really, it's their subconscious intertwining and in reality, they're actually together, just... subconsciously?"

"Uhhh..." poor confused little Chatton "no... not that i can recall... why? Have you?" 

Did he not realize their dream was joint? Or could he be hiding the fact that it was with a civilian... even IF that civilian was actually HER

"Uh... actually..." 

Chat looked at her with his head slightly tilted, pure curiosity on his face 

"I... I think I have... but... I don't known if he even realizes it was a joint dream or not"

"If he doesn't know, then how do you know it was joint?"

"Because the last time i saw him, he quoted part of my dream" 


"And, he himself said that he was quoting his own dream..." 

Chat still looked as confused as ever "O...kay, umm... so... do you like this guy?" 

Ladybug began to blush "I-I don't know... m-maybe"

"Okay... is it really such a big deal if it WAS a joint dream?" 

She shot her head up "OF COURSE IT IS!"

"Okay, okay. No need to snap my head off..."

"I'm sorry, its just..." 'I seriously don't want to tell him about it' "m-my Kawamii, she told me that, joint dreams, are like... extremely rare, and well, only happen when two are so close... like... w-when they're in... l... l-love" she trails off as she avoided his eyes

True Love's Kiss - A Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir FanficWhere stories live. Discover now