Chapter 6 - "Yeah, Sure, Sounds Great"

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"Hey Mari, wanna come to the park with us later? Alya, Nino and I are gonna go over the script again before practice tomorrow"

"Yeah, sure, sounds great" Marinette smiled as she turned to face Adrien.

"Cool" Adrien stated sounding a little less sure of himself "then... I guess I'll see you later"

"Yeah, sure, sounds great" she smiled

"R-right... see ya"

"Bye" she smiled as she waved.


Adrien had only just come through the library door, before Alya bombarded him with questions

"Well? What did she say? Is she coming?"

"'Yeah, sure, sounds great' her exact words"

"That's it?" Nino asked, sounding down hearted "that's been her answer to everything for like, what, two weeks now?"

"I know... and she always says it with a smile, like she means it... she's even agreeing with Chloe these days... Chloe!" Alya added in

"And dude, just about everyone can tell it's forced..."

"Did something happen?" Alya asked Adrien as she placed her hand on his shoulder from standing beside him

"I... I don't know..." Adrien answered honestly ad he dropped his head. 

Alya and Nino looked at each other "You should talk to her, Adrien" Nino stated. 

Adrien's head shot up, with a look of shock on his face "Wh-WHAT? Why me?"

"Dude, common, there's nothing to be scared of... it's just Mari"

"Besides..."Alya began "we both have already tried talking to her Adrien... but, she won't tell us anything" the two looked to the boy with desperation. 

Adrien sighed "I guess I can try" he said, scratching the back of his neck. 

Alya threw her arms around the boys neck in a hug "Thank you" she said


After they finished practicing, Marinette rose to her feet, waved and started heading home.

Adrien jumped to his feet and ran after her "MARINETTE! WAIT!" 

Mari turned as he grabbed her arm to grab her attention "Hi Adrien, what's up?" Mari asked with a smile. 

Adrien frowned as he placed a hand on her shoulder "Marinette... are you... okay?"

"What are you talking about Adrien?" She asked with a smile

"Mari, I know you better than you think, please don't lie to me" 

She smiled, 

He sighed "Marinette, I'm serious... you haven't been yourself in, like, two weeks... wait... does this have anything to do with what... w-we talked about before? Marinette... I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to hurt y-"

"What are you taking about Adrien?" She asked with a smile


"I'm not upset with you Adrien, really. This has nothing to do with that... really Adrien, I'm fine"

"But Marinette, you haven't been-"

"So, have you told her yet?" 

This caught the boy by surprise "Wh-what?"

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