Chapter 16

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The aching in my back was pushed to the back of my mind as I pulled myself together and stood on my feet again. Dozens of students have already run past me, and I pumped my legs to catch up.

I maneuvered between a few people when I halted at the edge of a cliff. Tightropes connected to platforms of rock, which connected to even more tightropes and rocks. I couldn't afford to wait any longer, so I took a step back and raced forward. I leaped off the edge, my hands outstretched as I grabbed onto the tightrope with all my strength, a dark abyss directly under me as my body dangled from the rope. One wrong move and I could... I gulped and looked forward, which I began to swing one arm in front of the other, 8 years of training showed in my muscles which flexed smoothly underneath my clothing. It wasn't the fastest way, but it wasn't the slowest, as others were doing a sort of military crawl that moved them at a snails pace.

I traveled from one tightrope to the next as I finally made my way to the other side of the cliff. I rolled out my burning shoulders and ran forward. Others began using their Quirks to speed up, which some managed to pass by me. I tried to run faster, which resulted in me tripping over my own feet and face planting in the ground.


I coughed out dust and pounded my feet into the ground once more. Eventually, I made it to the last obstacle; a large dirt field with explosive mines. I racked my brain for faster ways and ideas to get myself across, at which I considered using the walls like before, but there were no walls for me to run on. Instead, my mind was empty. I tiptoed my way forward, trying to avoid the dark spots of dirt that held the mines. I lost my footing on one spot and almost fell back, but I managed to place my foot in a firm position. Unfortunately, my foot stepped on a mine. A pink blast of pressure knocked me over with such force I fell back on the floor, now activating more mines.

In an embarrassing moment, I crossed my arms in front of my face as I was sent flying a few feet up. I groaned as I landed on the floor, somehow not activating any other mines. My knees wobbled as I stood up and treaded carefully on the field, my eyes focused solely on the ground.

An intense pressure and deafening explosion made me wince, which I momentarily thought I activated another mine. I glanced over my shoulder to see a cloud of dust, and a green metal plate flying out of it with... Deku!? He exploded himself to get his way to the end faster. I faced forward and sped my process.

"Midoriya comes in first!" The speakers blasted. I narrowed my eyes, tightened my fists and jumped over the last few mines. I widened my stride and pushed my body forward, ignoring the aches in my calves from the straining of tiptoeing. I pushed past a couple of other people before I made it to the end and broke into the field. I slowed to a stop and leaned against the wall, my chest heaving from exhaustion as my lungs burned.

The results of the race appeared on screen, and I glanced at the top three. Midoriya, then Todoroki, then Bakugo. I directed my eyes down the screen, searching for my name. The longer I looked, the wider my eyes became.

(Y/N) (L/N) #21 the screen displayed. I grabbed my sides and hung my head, a sense of disappointment nagged at me.

All participants gathered at the stage again."If you're in the top 42, you get to move on!" Midnight announced on stage. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and I held my head high with a little more determination.

"Now, the next game will require you to give it your all!" The hero said, which the screen displayed 'Cavalry Battle'.

"Each person is assigned a certain amount of points, and the person that got first place has a total of 10 million points!" My eyes widened as I searched the crowd for Deku. I spotted him, along with the rest of the students who were glaring at him.

'It's like an automatic win for those who get the 10 million' I thought.

Midnight explained the rules, which one stated that we couldn't make another team fall. I sighed due to the fact that it would be easier for me to use physical attacks like that on my opponents.

"Pick your teams! You have 15 minutes!" She announced. I tensed up and glanced around.

'Who the heck would want to be on my team? I don't even have a Quirk!' I screamed in my head.

"(Y/N). You're on my team" I looked at the owner of the blunt voice and saw Todoroki.

"Eh?! Me?! Why?! I only have 60 points and-" I began.

"Your physical strength and stamina is good for steering the rider, and you are clever in some ways. You could help me win." He said.

What he said kind of made sense to me, and I agreed to be on his team, which Momo and Iida were also on the team.

An alarm blared that signified the end to the team choosing.

"(Y/N), you'll be on the left wing, keeping the enemy away." Todoroki said, and assigned the others positions and roles.

"So you'll create diversions with your fire and ice?" Iida asked.

"No. I'll never be using my left in battle..." He answered, looking at someone in the crowd. I quirked an eyebrow.

We got into position as the countdown started, each number vibrated through my body.




"Start!" And with that, every team charged at Deku. Todoroki directed the team out of the way. We paced around the perimeter for a few moments before stopping. Todoroki observed the battlefield before giving us more directions. In the corner of my eye I spotted movement, which I lifted my outside leg and kicked whoever that was-hopefully- in the stomach, and a pained groan was heard behind me.

Todoroki gave me a nod of encouragemente before directing the group left. We headed straight, and another team was in view.

We stared Dekus team down and all eyes were set on the 1,000,000 points headband, just a little out of reach.

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now