Chapter 72

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I bit my nail and giggled as I watched the news. Fire and screams were always one of my favourite combinations of suffering, especially if it was happening to heroes that I knew.

And that was happening right now.

Keres- my father and I launched our second attack this month with the goal of killing off three pro heroes. We were close to success but I groaned as I watched the camera pan out to view one of our targets emerge from the smoke, injured, but not dead.

"This is your fourth failure ever since you've joined the League, (Y/N)."

I shot my elbow upwards and into Dabi's chest, getting a satisfying groan from him. "Fuck off, I'm still new to this shit."

"It's been almost three years, surely you're supposed to get a better grasp on this villain stuff faster." I ignored him and wiggled into my seat and continued watching with the nagging presence of Dabi behind the chair, also watching with interest.

My phone buzzed again and I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what it was telling me. I let it ring as the name of my mother appeared on screen, then eventually stopped. She called me every day since I was reported missing followed shortly by my mysterious disappearance.

I told father about mother the first time she called me and he seemed a little mad at her, then told me to ignore her. It was hard at first, but I did as I was told.

Thankfully, the news discarded me as just another unsolved disappearance, and it was now the least of everyone's concerns. Ever since I've watched my former school U.A. go into turmoil as the media bashed them for the death of three students and the missing student. I stopped watching the news around the school after that.

Occasionally I'd see a former classmate on the battlefield, and it would make me sick. They were all older and for most of them, their appearance has dramatically changed. I couldn't care less.

Ever since that day, my father took me to the Leagues hideout and reintroduced me to them, though I was a bit skeptical at first, Kurogiri eased me into the atmosphere.

He pulled me aside a day after I joined and said what I wanted to get out of my head for a long time; "I believe you now realize what we're trying to do, and how twisted this hero society is. By plucking the heroes out of this world it will give us the gateway to peace, real peace. Once that is accomplished, you nor anyone else will have to suffer as they watch their loved ones die by another's hands."

I understood what he said to me, and I was constantly reminded of it since. The heroes failed to save those I loved, and I was determined to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I sighed and got up from my seat then stormed into the bathroom as the usual wave of anxiety and depression washed over me. I reached into my pockets and shouted out in frustration when my pills weren't there.

I rested my head against the mirror, waiting for the painful phase to pass while muttering curses under my breath.

After it was gone for sure I pushed my hair back and stared at myself, then laughed at the realization of something, something that I should have acknowledged earlier; you either die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

I paused for a moment before speaking. "Hey, little voice? Am I doing this right? Am I supposed to follow this path?"

It took a few moments until the voice that stuck with me for all these years rang through my head. "You're doing great (Y/N), just do as they tell you. You're a villain now, no longer a hero."

I felt reassured at that answer and left the bathroom with the reminder to tell father to get me pills. I searched for my father before I remembered that he and Shigaraki were out planning the next steps to our plan. Meanwhile, I decided to take a step outside for some air.

As a villain, I felt freer. I wasn't tied down to rules and such as back then. I felt better and I embraced this new me with all my heart. If there was one thing I missed, it was Todoroki, Bakugo and Deku.

If there was a possibility for me to take them to the villain side where they would be safe, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

A figure down the road came closer but even 100 meters away I knew it was my father. "Welcome back."

"(Y/N)." He brushed past me without a further greeting and entered the building. He was never an affectionate parent- hell, sometimes he didn't even seem like a parent but more as a guide. That was fine with me.

I stayed outside for a while then headed back in to see everyone paying attention to Shigaraki and Keres who were standing at the front explaining something. Even if I missed a few chunks of information father always explained it to me privately afterwards, but I already knew what the plan was, I was just waiting for the signal.

Once the plan was discussed I loaded my guns with real bullets, and with the lust for slaughtering a hero. I cocked the gun and stepped out to see everyone else in their gear.

"Alright. Let's get started."


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