Chapter 60

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"(Y/N)? Can-can I come in?" Deku's voice croaked, gently tapping on my door. I didn't answer but didn't care as he came in anyways. He lightly gasped as he saw me slumped on the floor and carried me back to my bed.

"(Y/N), this isn't like you. You're usually so bright and cheery, but I guess with everything that's happened, it's understandable." He paused and leaned back on the wall with crossed arms. "Bakugo... Bakugo was my friend and greatest rival. I've always admired him and looked up to him because he was so great in my eyes. He was mean sometimes, but he genuinely cared about becoming a hero and always gave it his all. So when he met you... he just became even greater and strived to get past his limits..."

I listened with a heavy heart, mentally agreeing to everything he was saying. Bakugo had so much potential, so much life and so much love; he was too young.

"But I guess you probably need some time alone, right? I mean, you were really close with Bakugo and you need time to mentally heal. I too need to heal, as Bakugo was not only my rival but my childhood friend." I managed to nod, squeezing my pillow out of comfort.

"Well before I leave, do you need anything? Anything at all?" I sat up, managing to stretch a smile on my face.

"Th-thank you, Deku. I'm okay." He looked happy as he heard my voice and nodded eagerly, reaching for the doorknob before spinning on his heel.

"Oh, I forgot. U.A. set a funeral for Bakugo tomorrow. I figured you should know, and Todoroki and I will definitely be there. When they publicly announced the funeral there was backlash and chaos among the media and news, so the schools allowed them to be there- with conditions, of course. You'll find out more tomorrow, so rest up!" Genuine appreciation shown on my face, causing Deku to blush.

He looked away for a moment before stepping forward and quickly planting a comforting kiss on my forehead. "You're strong, (Y/N). Keep your head high, because Bakugo was rooting for you. Always." And with those sweet, burning words Deku left my room.

I grinned softly, pressing the heel of my palm on the spot where his lips touched my head. It felt good and helped some of my happiness return. Life will feel different and colder without Bakugo, but I was sure it would get better.


Dressed in a black dress and shoes, I arrived at the funeral. It was being held in the largest and safest place U.A. has to offer, and that was in the gym with extra precautions being taken. Everyone who entered had to go through a test, including the staff. Todoroki stood near the door waiting for me, and it was a bit surprising to see him in a black suit and tie since it wasn't his usual attire. I could have said the same for Deku who was also dressed in a black suit.

We found a seat near the back and sat down, solemn whispers filling the air as more people silently filled the room. I caught sight of Bakugo's mother weeping softly on the other end of the room, another lady who looked like Deku patting her back in comfort.

The atmosphere was depressing, and I pressed my hands together in comfort, contemplating my thoughts as the funeral began. The lights dimmed and everyone was in their seats, the sobs quieting down with it all. Aizawa walked to the front, his hair pulled back and dressed in his usual dark outfit.

"Today we mourn the death of Katsuki Bakugo..." Everyone listened quietly as Aizawa continued his speech, praising Bakugo for his bravery and service in this continuing battle against Keres.

A small smile rested on my lips as Bakugo's sacrifice was known, and the media that stood at the back jotted down notes for their news articles. Good. The whole world should know Bakugo and what he did because he was a true hero.

The seat beside me was filled with cold air as Deku left his seat, making me uneasy for some reason which Todoroki quickly held my hand in comfort. Deku looked over his shoulder and nodded at me, walking with a wide stride towards the stage.

Aizawa finished his speech and backed away from the podium, allowing Deku to take his place. His lips pressed into a firm line, he gripped the podium and faced the crowd with big eyes, opening his mouth to speak.

"Katsuki Bakugo. A childhood friend and greatest rival of mine. He was someone who I looked up to ever since we were kids. We shared the same goal, and we both constantly reached out to become the number one hero, and as he was my rival he helped me push my limits and become a better person." Deku's speech had me on the brink of tears, and he too started tearing up when he spoke about memories of him and Bakugo.

Deku too began to tear up as he hung his head, trying to clear his throat before continuing. He wrapped up the rest of his speech with passion and solemness then bowed, walking back to his seat next to me. I patted his back for comfort as he raised a tissue to his face, then put his hand on my shoulder in return.

After a couple more speeches from family and the ones that fought alongside Bakugo, Aizawa announced the end of the speeches allowing everyone to get up from their seats.

"I'll get you both some water," Todoroki said, which Deku and I nodded and watched him leave.

"I'm going to talk to Ms. Bakugo, okay (Y/N)?" I nodded. "I'll be back."

I was left alone as both of them left, and my eyes caught sight of something dark red in the far corner. I got from my seat and strolled over, realizing that it was a coffin. Bakugo was most likely inside.

It was surrounded by flowers and cards containing comforting words, but no matter how many flowers and cards were brought for him, it wouldn't bring him back. I lay my palm on the top, wondering what to say until I felt a fallen rose beneath my feet. I picked it up and twirled it between my fingers noticing it's bright orange colour, just like his Quirk.

"Katsuki... I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. I would give anything to get you back- even my own life. I wish you didn't break our promise, I wish I could have touched you one more time. I wish so many things... but I guess I have to say goodbye forever. Goodbye, Katsuki Bakugo. I love you." And with that, I placed the rose on top of the coffin and turned around, strolling back to my seat before someone called out my name.



I have never been to a funeral so please excuse me if there are any ceremonies or other things that I missed.^^

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