Chapter 13

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Five knocks broke the quiet of my apartment. Last night I fell asleep after crying my heart out. I didn't even change my clothes or remove my makeup.

Groaning, I walked to the front door and opened it wide.

"Holy shit." Sky frowned at me seconds before storming in like the torrent of energy she was. "I've sent you a ton of texts! What the hell happened? And why do you look like a hungover panda?"

"Thanks, babe. That reminds me of what friends are for." I turned around and went back to my bedroom.

Sky followed me.

"Ellie, I was worried. You weren't answering, and I freaked out."

Sky disappeared into my en-suite bathroom and came out holding some cotton pads and a bottle of makeup remover.

"Let's turn you into Ellie again." She sat down on my bed and pulled me to sit next to her.

"We'll remove this, you'll shower, and then we'll go out for breakfast."

"I have to study, Sky."

"Me too, but the day is beautiful. We might as well breathe some fresh air. It looks like you need it, just saying."

Reluctantly, I let her remove my makeup. After taking a shower and getting dressed, we went to have breakfast.

Sky got our croissants and coffee with milk.

"So, how was the concert?"

"Great. And your job?"

"Fabulous!" She grinned. "The girls were really nice, and I had fun apart from working. I have to edit tons of photos; I'll show them to you when they're done.

I forced a smile. "I'm happy for you."

"Ellie, did anything happen yesterday? Nobody tried to do anything to you, right?" She looked at me over the rim of her cup.

"No, Sky. But something did happen. I saw Aiden."

"What do you mean you saw him?"

"He was at the concert."

I told Sky about the song and what happened after.

She took out her phone and started to fumble with it.

"What are you doing?"

"Seeing is believing, and here's the proof."

She played a video from yesterday's concert.

"Oh, this song was written for you? Aiden wrote it?"

I nodded.

"It's incredible. The whole idea of the photos is so moving. Damn, I'm gonna cry. It says, 'forgive me' right here."

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