Chapter 20

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A/N I loved the vibe of the song on top and thought it was fitting

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I loved the vibe of the song on top and thought it was fitting.


Ellie closed her laptop and scooted over to sit closer to me. "Are you mad at me?"

I wasn't mad.

I was worried.

Ellie's weight, the low blood pressure Sylvie mentioned, the fainting earlier today only added to the anxiety.

I couldn't figure out how to talk to her without seeming overbearing, how to make my words sound good enough for her not to feel attacked.

It was our second day together after months of being apart, and I was terrified of ruining things between us.

"Aiden? I asked you something."

"Come here." I put the book aside and pulled Ellie into my arms.

She sighed. "Okay, I guess you're not mad, then."

"I couldn't be mad at you even if I tried." I kissed her forehead and cheeks making her smile.

"I still can't believe it's true, you know?" Ellie mumbled, resting her head on my shoulder.

"What's true?"

"That you're here, that we're back together."

I felt exactly the same way. On the other hand, there wasn't anything that felt more natural than being with her from the very start.

Ellie's closeness was making me have all kinds of thoughts. Almost all of them involved getting her between the sheets with me to repeat last night and make up for the months we'd wasted being apart, but we needed to talk.

"You've gone quiet again," she whispered.

"It's just that I have to talk to you about something, and I don't know how." I settled for the truth, hoping my honesty wouldn't screw everything up.

Ellie studied my face.

"I'm worried, baby." There, I said it.


"You." I tightened my hold on her.

"I told you I was okay."

"Fainting when it isn't hot outside can hardly be called okay. Besides, you're thinner—"

"Come on, really?" Ellie groaned, leaving my arms. "First Sky, then you, is it some kind of a ploy?"

"Baby, I know you. I've seen all of you, and the fact you've lost weight can't be denied. Besides, there was nothing in your fridge, you haven't been having lunch over your lunch break at uni—"

I realized my mistake when Ellie's eyes narrowed on me.

"How do you know what I did or didn't do?"

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