Chapter 39

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"You didn't answer my texts! I sent you the makeup photo, and no reaction. Some friend you are," I teased Sky.

"I know, babe." She pouted. "I'm sorry. It's just that these two weeks have been crazy. You looked hot, by the way. What was the occasion?"

"Our first anniversary. We went out to dinner and dancing, and it was...God, everything was amazing. I won't ever forget this vacation."

"I bet you won't. You're glowing. I'm sorry we barged in like that today. Liam was crazy to go to that basketball thing."

"That's okay. Look, I was planning to show you some photos and tell you everything about the trip later, but first tell me what I missed. You and Liam in the same bed? Seriously?"

"How do you...of course, that photo." Sky groaned. "It was nothing."

"Right." I smiled into my coffee cup.

"Really, nothing happened. Tim's friend Antoine stayed over because his parents had nobody who could babysit him, and Liam gave the kid his bed so that he wouldn't sleep on the couch."

"I'm disappointed." I sighed. "Here I was getting my hopes up."

"Well, don't." Sky shrugged. "Liam went on a date with a girl, so..."

"Crap. How do you know that?"

Sky twirled the styrofoam cup in her hands. "She's one of the gym regulars. I was there when she asked him out. He said yes, and they went out. End of story."

"So, are they dating now?"

"Don't know, don't care. I'm sure they had sex. That girl's super confident, she could have ten guys like Liam. And she's really sexy."

"I'm sorry." I rubbed Sky's arm.

"Don't be. I'm okay. You know, we're getting along really well now. I don't want to spoil it. I really like being Liam's friend. Besides, I have no right to be jealous."

"Guess you're right. It's just that you know, we thought the two of you would end up together- our best friends dating and all that."

Sky shifted her chair closer to mine and crushed me in a hug. "I'm the one who's sorry."

"What are you sorry for, silly?"

"For not listening to you when you told me Paul wasn't worth it."

"What do you mean? Weren't you going to meet him? Did he do anything?"

"Believe me, he did plenty. Okay, I'm going to tell you something, and you will understand why I wasn't answering the texts."

Then, Sky told me about the horrible things Liam heard at the restaurant. He told my friend the truth, after all.

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