Chapter 14

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I didn't take my eyes off Ellie's door. It was already late, and she wasn't going out.

She'd been giving me the worst of treatments. I deserved it, but seeing Ellie so cold and distant made me feel helpless. Liam and the rest of the guys at work tried to cheer me up. I had trouble focusing, and I needed to do it. The project was massive, and we had tons of things to take care of and a deadline looming, apart from my university assignments. Everything was new to me, and I needed time. I needed calm, and I had none.

I was about to walk away. All the guys had problems, but we couldn't let the team down by arriving late and letting our personal issues interfere with our work. It was clear that the flowers didn't work. I had to think of something else.

"Aiden!" Ellie's friend rushed to me.

"Good morning, Sky." I smiled. That girl was an energizer. Noticing she was alone, I asked, "Where's Ellie?"

"She isn't coming. She's in pretty bad shape, to be honest."

"What do you mean? Is she okay?"

"Look, she isn't. I don't give a damn about what happened between the two of you because I know you care, and Ellie's stubborn, but she has a fever, and I'm already late for class. Here, top floor, and thank you!" She gave me a set of keys and left.

I dialed Victor's number.

"Aiden, what's wrong?"

"Victor, I need a day off today. Ellie has a fever, and her friend gave me the keys so I could stay with her. Tell Darren I'll email him the work I've done. I have my laptop; it'll be ready before tomorrow."

"D'accord, garçon, no problem. Is she okay?"

"I don't know yet; I'm going there now."

"Listen, I'll text you Sylvie's number. Our neighbor, the doctor. If Ellie's missing classes, she'll need a certificate. That school is pretty strict, and her grant can't be risked. If you need anything, to go to the hospital or whatever, call me."

"Thank you. Tell the guys the reason I'm not there. I don't want to let them down."

"Will do. Don't worry. If there's an emergency, Darren or Ollie will call you."

I hung up and went into the building.

I didn't know what to brace myself for. Seeing Ellie's attitude toward me, I was half expecting her to hurl something at my head the moment I unlocked the door to her place. When that didn't happen, I took off my shoes in the hall and walked in.

The apartment was beautiful and new. I smiled, noticing the flowers in vases and other things that were very Ellie. The furniture was just like I imagined it would be, all light colors and soft edges. I left the roses on the coffee table and went to look for Ellie.

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