Chapter 73

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I heard Ellie's voice as she greeted my colleagues. Then, the sound of her rushed footsteps grew louder, and she was opening the meeting room door in no time.

"Baby!" Ellie landed on my lap and drew her arms around my neck.

"Hey there." I pecked her lips. "I'm almost done. I'll send this last email, and then we can go."

"I wanted to show you something." Grinning, Ellie reached into her purse and pulled out a magazine, handing it to me. "Page twenty-five."

I opened it, and stared at the beautiful illustration.

"A wedding dress." I smiled. "How fitting. I'm proud of you, baby. It looks amazing."

Ellie kissed my cheek. "Thank you. I'm lucky they agreed to wait for me until I could start with the illustrations."

"How could they not? Your works are wonderful."

Tucking Ellie's hair behind her ears, I pecked her lips once more. "Have you got everything?"

"I have a change of clothes and Victor's present. I left the bag on your desk."

"Okay." Quickly, I scanned the text of the email and sent it. Then, I closed the laptop and took Ellie's hand in mine, ready to leave.

It was Victor's birthday the following day. Ellie and I were going to spend the night at his house and then pick up Louise and Thierry at the airport. They would stay in Paris for ten days, to spend time with us and see the city.

We would get married at the beginning of July. As much as I wanted it to be in June, wedding planning took time. Ellie was complaining about not having her dress yet. Liam and I got used to seeing bridal magazines on every surface in both our apartments and the girls ignoring us, engrossed in reading.

"Do you think Victor will like the gifts?" asked Ellie as I unlocked the gate to his house.

"We'll see tomorrow, but yeah. I'm pretty sure of it."

We grabbed the bags and closed the garage, leaving the car inside. I had a set of keys. Victor and I often had lunch at his place, and Ellie joined us on some days when she didn't have an early afternoon class.

"Hey! We're here!" I yelled, unlocking the front door. Victor came out of the library and wasted no time hugging me and then Ellie.

"Just in time." He grinned. "Sylvie will be here in a short while. She went to grab the dessert and bring Molly. Then, we can have dinner. You can leave your things in the bedroom, meanwhile. Ellie, Aiden's bedroom is at the end of the hall."

"I'll take the one next to it," said Ellie.

I raised my eyebrows. Ellie pecked my cheek and rushed upstairs.

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