15 - Support

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"How are you feeling?" the Dauphiness of France whispered. She placed the hot tankard of mead upon his shoulder. He took it, welcoming her into his arms as she curled deep into his embrace. She sighed in pleasure, breathing in his intoxicating scent of lemon, pine, cinnamon and mint. His blonde curls merged with her ravenette straightened strands. She tangled their fingers with each others, pressing a kiss to his signet ring, then his wedding ring.

"Stunned, I assume." he mumbled. The Dauphin had been dealt quite the blow after they had returned from their wedding tour. "I can't think of anything else to say."

"I know," she whispered. "I love you," she reminded him. She didn't really know why, but felt like she should tell him. She curled into his shoulder, enjoying the sensual licks of the fire in which they sat in front of, leaning her head up as he drained the tankard.

"I love you," he tiredly mumbled. "I wonder if this is what married life at French court is going to be like."

"French court is never predictable, darling." she noted. He humorlessly smiled.

Unlike his doppelganger in another world, this Dauphin of France had been honest with his bride since the start. Before they were wed in the eyes of God and the world, the Dauphin had revealed to his bride the events of that morning with her own Lady in waiting, the Lady Lola. Not wanting to ruin her day with being upset, Mary calmly put her feelings to the side, before they talked about everything that had happened in the carriage ride to their first destination upon their wedding tour. She had shared every moment of Court life without him, and he had told her every single moment of their temporary separation.

Knowing she didn't really have a reason to be angry at him, post the shock of the information passing his lips, Mary took a few days to get over the pain that the horrid prophecy had been the catalyst of, before returning to playing the doting wife like nothing had ever happened. Of course, the news of her own conception with his child had been a major part of her happiness and contentment in this time.

Mary had been delighted to share the news of her own conception with French and Scottish court. Her stomach had swollen rather quickly, giving way to rumours that the Dauphiness and Queen of Scotland had conceived not one, but two children. The night they had returned, the French Court and it's King had celebrated into the little hours with the positive news of an unborn heir inside his mother's stomach.

But the time for partying had long gone. For a few members of court, that was. The Lady Lola, humiliated and desperate after finding out about her bastard pregnancy in comparison to her Queen's legitimate one. Seeing the loving daze that the future rulers of France and current rulers of Scotland possessed when they came back with child, the Lady Lola had informed the Lady Kenna of her conception. Stunned, the King of France's mistress had began to congratulate her fellow harlot in her bastard conception, yet the conversation had ended with the Lady Kenna informing her Scottish friend of a way of abortion of her baby.

That's why the body of the Scottish harlot had been found in the snowy woods the day after her Queen and King had returned from their wedding tour. Her body ripped open and child stolen out of it's mother's womb. Her gown had been bloody and her body limp and pale and cold. Henry's team of hunters had been just a few hours too late to give the Lady a chance of survival.

Kenna had informed the King and Queen of Scotland about the true nature of Lola's death. Collen was long dead, so it couldn't have been his child that Lola aborted. It had to have been Francis'. And it was. So now, the Dauphin of France sat in shock about the turn events had taken. Not two months ago, she was there, now he had signed her death warrant and she dried the ink. Her executioner wasn't punished, after all, she only did what the Lady wanted.

Mary knew Francis had taken this blow more than she did. But eventually, the pain would fade and this would all become a memory. With their own child -children?- growing inside of her and a bright future ahead of their countries, how could he refuse?


A/N: Lowkey wish this is how that storyline happened :)

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