182 - Annaulment

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Prompt - Mary helping Leith and Greer get money for Greer's annulment instead of Claude.

Side Note - I'm messing around with the timeline again. This is a continuation of my Frarytales rewrite where Catherine walks in on Mary and Francis making love (I can't remember which one for sure, maybe 2x17 or 2x18) after she thinks Mary's been with Conde behind Francis' back. Mary's pregnant again, and Conde left court. Weird, I know, but I'm inspired right now and I'd hate to let it go to waste to follow some stupid storyline details.


"Oh, Mary, this is wonderful," the former Lady Castleroy, turned Madame Castleroy, smiles to her Queen and dear, dear friend. She bunches her black and grey satin and lace skirts together after handing Mary her teacup and saucer, plopping down on the satin couch next to her. Mary takes a slight sip, placing the fine white crockery onto a close b y table. "you deserve it, truly." she says, reaching over slightly to take her former mistress' hand. "How did Francis take the news?"

"He was delighted, a little scared because of what happened last time, but delighted nonetheless." Mary reveals. "He had guards follow me everywhere I went, at least twenty at a time, joining them whenever he could. It's only because of a Council meeting and the celebrations of Martin's insurgence in the west that he had his head turned long enough to let me sneak away." she reveals with a smile. "And what about you? The last time I saw you, and from what Kenna told me, things seem to be going well for you," she says.

"I finally have control over my own life, Mary. It's a marvellous feeling. My entire life, I was bred to serve you and bow to a titled husband. But I have my own money and my own life." she smiles slightly. "I just wish things could be different, even just a little bit. I wish I gave my husband the wife he needed, I wish he didn't fall for the tricks of those cruel men. I could still serve you, look after you after you went through something so horrible." she says. Mary smiles softly at her, albeit sadly. "I wish I could be free, truly. I mean, I have pretty clothes and jewels once more, my bed is warm and my pantry is full. However, the woman who does the most loveliest of curtains all but spits at me each and every time I go to her establishment. The gown emporium's mistress shrieks so loudly when I enter, her husband is a frequent visitor to the more taboo area of the home," Mary rose her brows, fully aware of what the woman meant. Once, Lola ran into her ex-almost fiancée, the Count Nardin in a room such as that. "I wish my poor husband wasn't locked up for life, I wish-"

"What?" Mary asks. "Greer, you've done so much for me. All we need is opportunity to welcome you back into Court as a Lady again. Do tell me if there is any one thing that I can do to repay you for the loyalty you have shown me time and again."

"Mary," Greer whispers. "I told you once, the day you told me about Lola's pregnancy-" she pauses. Mary bites her cheek, fully aware of that day. Her gut twists uncomfortably at the memory of her bastard step son's mere existence, the imagined visions of her husband and one of her close friends run past her mind. She does not dwell, she can't. After all, her womb was noticeably swollen with child, so much so that Francis prepared to share the news with the French Court in two weeks time. She would soon birth Francis, France and Scotland an heir, and her husband looked to her and no other woman. Lola wasn't a threat to her anymore. "my love for another."

"Leith, the former kitchen boy. Francis promoted him to Baron three nights ago, after he saved Claude and Catherine from a murderous scheme made by my cousin Martel after the death of my uncle. Did you know?"

"No, no I did not." Greer breathes. "Mary, he found me one day, in the village. By God, I was so ragged and crooked, but he-"

"He?" Mary asks, noticing the blush appearing on her pale cheek.

"We lay together for the first time, Mary." Greer smiles. She giggles. "It was phenomenal, my only wish now is to be-"

"Wed to Leith?" Mary guesses with ease, she leans back into the couch and gives her friend a knowing look. Greer had always, always been the most loyal out of her ladies. Well, apart from Aylee, but that had been so long ago. Far more loyal than Kenna, who mostly sought out shiny and pretty things. Let's not get her started on Lola.

"Yes," she whispers. "I want an annulment, but we could both never afford one. Even with his barony and my, well-" she blushes again. "I want to be held in his arms, I want him to call me his wife, I want to give him proper Catholic, legitimate children. But Castleroy, I feel so badly for him."

"I understand," Mary says, holding Greer's hand. "I'm no virgin to hurting a good man. Perhaps I have enough influence to get your husband and his children out of the country. Protect him in Scotland with a new identity."

"At times I forget you're the most powerful woman in France," Greer says. "Mary, I couldn't thank you enough."

"You say you cannot afford an annulment?"

"Yes, Leith already asked Francis. It didn't go well, he refused."

Mary frowns in confusion, but her nimble fingers already go to untie her bracelet. She holds out the silver and the emeralds, placing it in her dear friends' palm. "Take it," the Queen insists. "for all you've done for me, this is the least I could have done. After all, I carry love and stability inside me. How could I deny you the same satisfaction? We only hold one life, Greer, it's your duty to live it as happily as you possibly can."

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