52 - Morning Sickness *Modern*

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Mary groaned, laying her head upon her outstretched arms that lay around the toilet's bowl in front of her. She spat out another small wave of bile, her body finally relaxing after yet another horrid wave of disgorgement and sickness. She ran the back of her palm around her clammy brow, groaning as her stomach continued to ache. Damn Francis and his stupid, adorable face and his stupid, insatiable need to place a child inside her womb.

Pregnancy never did come easily to her. When she was pregnant with James, the sickness had gotten so bad at times that Catherine insisted her eldest son took her to the hospital, and there she remained for small stints for months. It ran in her mothers side, horrid sickness during childbearing and pregnancy. They could do nearly nothing about it, just keep trying to force small amounts of food and water down her throat until some stayed down to nourish the unborn baby inside of it's mothers' womb.

Mary heard a small noise, and a scuffle coming towards her. She closed her eyes, willing the sickness to stop so she wouldn't scare her baby. At nine months old, her sweet little James was an adventurous crawler. Something he got from her, she acknowledged, remembering all those mischievous afternoons climbing up and down trees as a little girl with her bestest friend by her side. It had always been her to think of those wicked things to do after they finished their duel homeschooling for the day. He had always been such a fragile boy when she had met him, content to read for hours upon hours and accustomed to staying inside due to his mothers' overbearing fear that he would be harmed if he played in the sunlight.

But then she and her mother moved to the home next to his and suddenly, the two had been inseparable. Apart from a brief separation during adolescence, the duo had still remained as close as they had been as children. Marriage and James had only held the two closer than ever.

Mary heard a loud babble and turned her head to see her beautiful little boy on all fours at the doorway. Dark eyed and golden haired, he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. But now, even at such a tender age of not even nine months, the little boy seemed more concerned than oblivious as any other babe his age would be.

Little James let out a two worded babble that tried it's best to sound like 'mama', crawling on steadying hands and legs over towards his mother as she hovered over the toilet. He finally reached her face and head, looking up with wonder, falling backwards to sit and stare at his main provider -Francis worked a lot with his father at the offices whilst his mother had been forced to take early maternity leave for her next baby already- with concern. Not just the fact that she was his provider, but James was still feeding from nothing but Mary's breast. She realised he was probably getting hungry. He cocked his little head at her, seeming to be perplexed at the state of his mother. Pale and sweaty, vomiting her guts up, a small bulge sticking out from underneath her -Francis'- old sweatpants.

James made another loud babbled noise, pulling his tiny body up to his hands and knees again. Clinging to the toilet seat, the boy managed to stay standing long enough to press a kiss to her cheek. Mary barely managed to catch him as he wobbled on very unsteady legs, falling backwards, before placing him gently back onto the floor so he could sit properly without the risk of falling and harming himself. Not that the little monsieur stayed down for very long. No, the little boy was already shuffling over to place a tiny hand upon the small bulge of his mothers' abdomen.

The ravenette winced as the boy suddenly started hitting his bath toy car and ducks against the china of the sink's piping. She began to tell him to stop, but it took her a stupidly long time to realise that the child wasn't just causing a ruckus because he was a little baby, but he was in fact trying to alert his father that something wasn't right. 

She could hear Francis' footsteps echoing in the hallways of their large home, before sparing James a small smile.

"Good boy," she muttered, running her hands over his beautiful blonde curls. The boy giggled. "Very, very good boy."


I'm back!!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Had a touch of writers block for a little while, but I'm gonna try and get a few oneshots out today :)

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