150 - Simultaneous Childbearing *Modern*

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Prompt - Mary and Lola pregnant at the same time (Modern) with Francis' children. And all the awkwardness that that situation entailed. 

Side Note - I've had a massive amount of modern stuff coming in, so if I could get some period requests to switch it up a bit and keep it fresh, it'd really help :) and please leave some comments down below on the most recent pieces, we've been running low and it sucks


"Well, this is awkward." Mary de Valois-Angouleme states lightly, leaning back into her overstuffed couch, looking over her large abdomen at the other woman sitting across from her. Sitting there was an equally as abundant Lola Fleming. Her face was swollen and embarrassed, like she wanted to be anywhere but in this room, in this situation. She kept her hands interlocked over her swollen belly, looking down at them as the two men upon either side of them continued to pace.

"You're telling me." Julien Varga mumbles, looking up from his mug of black tea to glance at one pregnant woman, then the other one. One of them just so happened to be his girlfriend, while the other was the wife of one of his oldest friends. Bother were connected by the blood in their veins and the children within their wombs, but the four of them were all bound by this ridiculous, soap opera-like situation, the betrayal and the resulting issue that lay within Lola's womb.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Mary asks Lola, glaring at her cousin and betrayer. Why did she keep forgiving her?! First the thing with Collen, then Bash, and now this?! Was Mary herself a walkover or was Lola that incompetent to learn from her mistakes? Or was the woman simply a bitch who enjoyed causing Mary anger and pain?

"Sorry." she mumbles, not looking up at her. Mary narrows her eyes.

"Sorry," she rolls her eyes. "is that all you can say?"

"Stop, we can't afford to do this now." Francis interrupts, looking from one expectant mother to the other. One his two hour long lover, the other his wife. But both carried his unborn sons. "What we need to do is focus on who's blackmailing us with the information of the morning it happened and the child's true paternity." he says. Mary swallows back the nausea -pregnancy, you know- and the anger.

"Yes, we've got to protect the reputation of the President's son. That's of the upmost caution." Julien scoffs. "What I don't understand about this situation is why it had to be you." he glares at Francis, his dark eyes growing even more darker with the anger of this situation. "You and Mary may have been separated, but you're one of my oldest friends. And she's my girlfriend, and you do that to me?!" he snaps.

"I was drunk, heartbroken and I am so, so sorry. I'll make it up to you however I can, I swear to you. But right now we need to focus on the issue at hand."

"Which one?" he scoffs. "Mary's baby, Lola's or our blackmailer?"

"The blackmailer, obviously!" he rolls his eyes. "I know you hate me for what I did, and I understand completley. It was a mistake, one if I could go back in time and change, then I would, but I can't! But if this gets out, it's not just me that's ruined. It's Lola, too! She'll be chewed up and spat out by the media, she'll be the next Diane! You know how Bash suffered with the scrutiny, she's too weak to survive that, Julien! I know you love her, even after what happened, don't you want to protect her? With massive gain for yourself?" he asks him loudly.

Julien scowls, ending up plopping next to Mary on the couch. Mary looks from one angry man, to the other. "Who could it be?" Mary asks. "We're not focusing on the point here, gentlemen. Who has the most to gain from destroying you two-" she looks at Lola and Francis, before Julien. "and breaking you two up. She's got to be the target here, don't you think? Who would want her alone and vulnerable, ripe for picking?"

"I'm right here! Enough with the comparisons to inanimate objects!" Lola interjects.

"Do you want this to come out? Because I sure as shit don't want it to." Mary snaps back. "Use that manipulative little head of yours and think of who could be trying to ruin us all. It's not me, even though I'm well aware I'd come out looking like a saint in the public eye. Who would try and frame me as the mastermind behind this all?"

"Why aren't you angry, Mary?" Francis asks her. "After what happened-"

"Trust me, I'm furious." she glares. "But arguing about it won't do the slightest bit of difference. Right now we need to focus and get things set right. And after, I'll chop your balls off for what's gone on." she finishes.

Julien swallows back a snort. "Narciesse." he says.

"What? My father's friend?"

"Yes." he says. "He's always crept around Lola for the least little thing. It would make sense how he'd want to turn her into a vulnerable little lamb with nowhere to go but him for protection."

"It makes sense." Mary agrees.

"We'll get it looked into."

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